SPEAK to members about daily activities,maybe your an activist..
Thats a good thing to be these days,a warrior of cannabis rights!!
Tell us what and how your fighting for us all?
Talk about your life,weather it is a problem,or a good time!
Celebrate the love we have in a cannabis community place...
CHILLING on a chilly day here,smoking a new cross i made of the Frost n FIRE!!!
Came out great and i am pleased so far,an indica smoke this morning....;)
Tell me what U like to smoke friends,all welcome to chill with me!
Some of my smoking tools,feel free to show yours folks,all welcome to post!
My Dolphin pipe,with a big bud of White Pine Skunk!
PEACE FOLKS,,,,have a good day!
CHILLING ON SOME ECSD NOW,,,what U chilling wit friends....post up,
your all welcome ok!
1 of my all time favorite strains here EAST COAST SOUR DIESEL folks,killer....;)
Morning WAKE n BAKE folks are welcome to just say a HI,good morning here!
Tells us your smoking or using,how the days is going,or nights if not a morning type,and show your loving PETS as i LOVE animas ok,everybody should have,
a DOG or CAT,better yet dogs and cats together like i do,heck a rabbit,an fish!
Boy,i got a little farm going here,but i really enjoy my pets,hope U do too...
AS u can see by the pic above,i am a musician and i can play 5 instruments!
Thats my studio,i also write my own music and play/record songs myself,no help what so ever and i mix and produce my songs to CD's,all recorded on Zoom 8 track digital recorder i use,a fully mic'd drum set,a full 12 piece set.
Peavy 12 channel 200 watts per channel stereo, powered mixing board!!!
Have played in many bands,4 decades player here,Drums,Bass,Guitars,Keys,
and vocals all done by me only as a 1 man band deal hahaha!
Music is my other great passion ok,hoping to see other musicians post up!
60 songs written and played my me,on tapes and CD's....