Hello good people....i hope you will get to see these indoor poppies i did,
the reason i did them indoors is the HEAT in my state...just to hot winters?
Global Warming in here and the damage is also here in my state Florida..
So i did a grow test inside where the temps are under 80 and 66 mornings!
They came out great for a first...i am very happy i have a way to grow these,
i make a soft opium with the resin extractions of the done dry pods actually.
NON addictive when using it in the natural form unlike pain pills..they suck?
The trick to growing poppies is all in the start...germinating these is a bit hard,
they need cool places really and they will take a month before any real growing.
Getting past that first month is all it takes....they can rot easily when tiny...dry up,
or will not grow if the soil is all peat moss....a top soil with a tiny bit is fine!
Thats how i do mine and feeding using Miracle Grow food lightly....
Here is a bunch of pics like or post a reply and party on.......

The finished product can be colored different from a reddish brown to black.....
Here it is as a smokable product!!
You can see how the one batch looks reddish and the bottom one is all black......,
that is just in the drying....the red has less moisture that is it...all smokes the same!
Just another great hobby to have and get them opiates yourself right!!...OP
So if your interested in growing these indoors here is a bit of info to go on!
You can use a regular fluffy mix for 3/4 of the pot from top..then add the top soil layer as i have said before..the tiny germinating seedlings need a rich black mud like soil they will stay wet 2 weeks after it is soaked slightly packed and seed placed on top not covered over with soil,,,next best tip is to cover the pots using black trash bags this keeps the moister in the pots from drying out,,for 2 days!!
They will germinate this way great and after the 2nd day remove cover and let light hit them as normal...my light rack is set at 2 feet high above the seedlings at 20 hours on 4 off...that will give them more power to grow that 12 hours on only....
Planting about 20 in a 3 gallon pot is fine they all will not make it so do not worry!
The ones that catch good will dominate and take up all the light as the ones under will just stay small.....you will have a dozen or more poppy heads from each pot and i use the whole plant to do the alcohol extract into the black smokable tar!
Watering and feeding can be done after the 2nd week of germination and they will still stay very small until a month or more so be very patient and do not let them dry out that first few weeks....feeding i use a water soluble food=Miracle Gro.....flower fertilizers with numbers of 15/30/15 this gives them all they need and i feed them every 3 to 5 days mainly in vegetive stage after they throw the pod just watering!
here are some pics of how they look young...
i have 15-3 gallon pots of soil under 20 lights of just home style LED!!!
they just love the cool temps as LED's do not push heat down onto plants at all...:)
here they are closer....
These are a HIGH ALKALOID China White poppy!!
Here they are getting bigger of a different variety with fatter leaf below..
After you have gotten this far their is a method to bring out more opium resin!
When the poppies have reached a full size the color changes slightly from a green to a grayish green/blue color at this time i take a razor blade and scratch the pods lightly and they will bleed out opium resin that sticks to the pod and dries on it.......
This does not bother the seed growth if the pods are mature sized!
The pods will change size and color a few days after the flower peddles fall off.......
After you have scratched the pods as they mature one time you can do it again a few days later sometimes!
Let that resin dry on the pods....grow the poppies out until they dry out in the pots,
this will get rid of that green chlorophyl which makes the black tar greener......
When harvesting the dry plants be careful not to break off the dried resin stuck to the pods....the deader the plant the better the tar!
They will take 3 months to grow out fully and dry a yellow color like the next pic..
Just a few days let at this point a few green ones will not matter just chop them off at ground level leaving the roots in the pots...
Next i let the plants dry until crisp and cut all the material into 1 or 2 inch chunks then i place it in a coffee grinder to powder a bit so the Alcohol can take the opiate out easier......i place the powder poppies into Masson jars/canning jars glass for 6 days shaking them every day maybe 2 times...the opiates will all be in the Alcohol so after the soak you must get a tea strainer and a pyrex dish for the next step!
Pouring a little bit of materials into the tea strainer i squeeze it our over pyrex dishes to dry.....after you strain all the material into the dishes it takes 3 days to dry or so down to a black sticky tar..i then scrape it up using a razor and place in cup!
Opium can last a very long time...it is not strong like pain pills that make you sick.
A very smooth relaxing and lifting buzz comes from smoking it,,you can eat it too!
Hmmmm nobody like the poppies around here?
More pics and info on growing these wonderful plants indoors soon!
OOZING POPPIES for the indoor grow!
OOZING POPPIES for the indoor grow!
i used home style LED lighting for these at 15 watts each bulb and 20 bulbs in all.....