Hello good people....i hope you will get to see these indoor poppies i did,
the reason i did them indoors is the HEAT in my state...just to hot winters?
Global Warming in here and the damage is also here in my state Florida..
So i did a grow test inside where the temps are under 80 and 66 mornings!
They came out great for a first...i am very happy i have a way to grow these,
i make a soft opium with the resin extractions of the done dry pods actually.
NON addictive when using it in the natural form unlike pain pills..they suck?
The trick to growing poppies is all in the start...germinating these is a bit hard,
they need cool places really and they will take a month before any real growing.
Getting past that first month is all it takes....they can rot easily when tiny...dry up,
or will not grow if the soil is all peat moss....a top soil with a tiny bit is fine!
Thats how i do mine and feeding using Miracle Grow food lightly....
Here is a bunch of pics like or post a reply and party on.......

The finished product can be colored different from a reddish brown to black.....
Here it is as a smokable product!!
You can see how the one batch looks reddish and the bottom one is all black......,
that is just in the drying....the red has less moisture that is it...all smokes the same!
Just another great hobby to have and get them opiates yourself right!!...OP