Hello good people,in this thread i will be showing my methods,pics,
and info to help you all do it at home using things besides hash bags!
First have a little peek at my hash,it is a 1 run and done method meaning,
not the usual 5 or 6 hash bags from my old friend Bubbleman's hash bags.
My method uses a fermenting net,got at the home brewing/wine making,
stores for about 8 dollars an fits a 5 gallon bucket perfect...
1 good grade of hash,is better than 5 or 6 so so grades,and 1 or 2 being ok?

Info next.......OP
For the people that do not have much trimmings from cannabis plants,,
this can also be done with just 1 bucket and the bed sheet strip!
Anybody that smokes has the "shake" from a bag of weed,even cheap,,
street weed shake can be used to make a bit of hash!
We are lucky that resins sink in water,so any shake from the bags should be saved!
Adding up 1 day for some materials to make hash the old pro style,,1 run n done..
Just get a bucket,fill with water and add some ice to chill it for a while.....
Then pour in that old shake from your bags that you are saving for the method,
using only 1 bucket even,,it can be done in this way,,cannabis materials will float!
Taking a stick,,or anything that can be used to beat and mix with can be used...
Just swish around or making figure 8's and going back and forth will break off,
the trichomes from the material and that will sink!
Beating it around until the material feels good and soggy when squeezed.....
Taking hand fulls of the floating material in both hands now,,and squeezing it out!
Throw the balls of material away,,and wait a little while not more than an hour......
Make sure to throw out all floating material,,and get ready to filter the water threw,
a bed sheet strip,,or corner draped over another pot that will catch water only.
The bed sheet draped over a pot can be tied to the rim to keep in place and then,
as said before the trichomes have now sunk to the bottom of the bucket,,lift it up,
taking it to a sink very slowly not to stur up the hash on the bottom,,pour out most,
the water in the bucket leaving a few inches and be careful not t pour that hash out.
Hash will be on bottom like a mud slick,,now with that little bit of water still left in it,
swirl it up mixing that hash stuck on bottom into thewater,,then pour over the sheet!
Only the water will go threw the bed sheet,,and all the hash will be left on the sheet,
Place sheet on a hard flat surface an use a knife to scrape it off in small pieces to dry!
(hashish takes 1 day,,24 hours to completely dry,,place on a warm TV cable box)
SIMPLE,,even for just a little shake that you saved,,hash can be made this method ok.
ASK if you need help understanding anything about hashish making at home here....
More true FACTS about hashish resins,,this one for the stupid authorities!!
WELP,,they all think that an extraction like HASH is so very potent,,,woooo?
even though an extraction can be potent in a sense,it is no more potent to,
the normal human that has used cannabis for a while....they think a percentage?
Like saying,,QUOTE"the old pot that was smoked in the 70's was way less potent"
Never believe that lie,,i can smoke a cannabis flower and be more high than hash!
Old cannabis strains were more potent,,unique and complex!!!
Cannabinoids/Terpene's and other compounds make the different,,Highs....
Cannabis flowers smoked intact are more complex,,and percentage is a scare tactic.
FUCK TRUMP and any authorities that "THINK THEY KNOW EVERYTHING",,bullshit,
is the point here,,no matter what type hash,,or percentage flowers you use is about,
the same type of potency once the body gets use to the effects,,as matter of FACT,
i much prefer smoking the flower bud over any hashish....
thats a thuth that authorities should understand,,cannabis percentages mean shit!
Cannabis has never hurt anybody,,only helped people no matter how potent,,or not.
Percentages of a cannabis flower are from like 5% to 30%,,but a hashish is 80% plus!
Hashish will make a person cough much more,,but the highs are the same in the end.
A warning however about eating cannabis,,that will effect your body much more than,
just smoking of cannabis,,so thats a whole different type of potency effect in itself......
cannabis can make you dizzy if eaten,,and will last longer in the body ok!
Still,,a person will never die from eating to much cannabis.
Cases have been had at many hospitals from people eating to much in legal states?
HOW DUMB of those people,,giving cannabis a bad name.
Hashish is an extract so do not go eating a bunch is all you need to know!
A public message,,
Hashish can be smoked or eaten,,vaporised even!
So with that i hope you find it an interesting hobby and try this method soon....
A good big pile of materials like that last pic,will make a few good ounces hash!
You do not need a tun of materials,and most will never see,or use crushed buds.
That amount of materials also takes atleast 4 to 6,,of the 5 gallon buckets......
The buckets are called a mix bucket,and the rinse bucktes ok,even if you only,
have 2,,of the 5 gallon buckets it will work just fine!!
First you will need to find that fermenting net,at the stores either local,or online!
THIS IS CHEAP AND THE BEST for both making wine,and hashish folks!!!!
Then ofcorse you have to collect material to use,that may take time..................
Really what i do is throughout the year,collect all the materials in a steel pot.
Or when the buds get older,i crush them and use that also with trimmings!
You can try this with cheap Mexican Bail weed bud,just powder it up to use...,,
Get a few 5 gallon buckets and a small bag of ice,or fill the bucket,place into a,
refrigerator for a few hours to chill and get a hard stick,or hand mixer to beat the,
floating materials in the cold water,materials will float and will take 5 minutes for,
the resins to be broken off the leaf materials or longer using just a stick?
Those small hand held cake mixers work good on a lower speed,2 blades also!
The key is to beat the materials untill they look soggy,the water will change color,
as your beating the materials it will go from clear to golden,or brown water....
A TIP,is to know how much to beat the materials not getting to much green into,
the water or over mixed fine matter that can make hashish black or green.
After drying a black,or green is not good ok,,,you want from a light brown to,
gold/blond colored hashish for a good end product.
So,using a hand held mixer it will get done faster,but you must NOT over beat.....
Using just a hard stick,the over beating really never happens,but will leave resins,
on the material still....the resins are microscopic ok,and are sometimes on tall stalks,
or on the very leaf surface,resin balls,called Trichomes are what we are collecting!!!!!
Here above shows the final hashish collected on the bed sheet i use!!!!
That is the second part of what happens in my hashish making method folks,
nothing will go through the sheet,only the water,all hashish 100% is saved here...
Very easy to do,but does take some time ok,just get going collecting materials!!
More next...
Now the METHOD i use,for this 1 run and 1 grade type of hashish friends!!!
Detailed for you all here,i have many pics that will help you understand ok..
SO,most people may have those cake mixers at home,hand held ones,maybe not?
Like i said even a stick can work ok,but lets get into it more to get the idea....
Cannabis resins will NOT mix with water,unless boiled,but still the resins are not,
soliable in water,,,cannabis resins are only soliable in fats,oils,sugars, an thats good!
Ice water,or chilled water will quench or contract the resin heads to stay intact better,
Cannabis resins will SINK to the bottom in water.....just like sand does ok,thats great!!!
Just to give that basic point,you will see how easy it can be to collect pure resins!
INTACT RESINS,meaning as the natural trichome heads are on the cannabis plant.
They will stay in the ball shape,even looking like sand in a bucket of water...
What hapens in the cold water is when your beating the materials,resins break off,
the green leaf
materials will always float,and the resins will always sink!
So,my way uses 1 wider bucket than a 5 gallon one to mix the materials in first!
The wider bucket is not a needed but it gives me wtice the surface area to beat,
the floating materials up at the first part of the method...
5 gallon buckets work just fine if thats all you have!
You can do that type of hashish right at home,for only 8 dollars,not 80$..
Get the fermenting net at the HOME BREW type,BEER n WINE making stores!
start saving crums,trimmings,or crush some buds up for some material to use,
Get a bag of ice,and a bucket or 2,,,,grab a hand mixer,or even a stick will work!!
Throw ice in bucket,fill 3/4 with water,,,add trim,or crushed buds,,,mix 4 to 5 mins,
and filter threw the fermenting net FIRST,,,,then adding the bed sheet OVER the net,
is where the hash gets saved as the bed sheet only lets water threw it,not resins!!!
in a nutshell for U all....
Have a closer look at what you can have from my easy method folks...
PRETTY GOOD for a 1 GRADE HASHISH id say friends,color is on point!!!
BLOND as the good old days folks,so lets get to my method now.......
Hashish can be done many ways,but i like keeping it simple and easy!
The hash i make is like the old blond Lebenese,or Afghan hashish were,
but the difference is they used a screen and a table,then took dry plants,
beating them on the screens over tables collecting the dust/resins..
The dry hash was then scraped up and bricked,or pressed into blocks!
That hashish was very tasty in the days when we got it back in the 70's..
This is a different method using water,cold water or chilled will work fine!
My method uses just a few things you may have at home,5 gallon buckets,
a hand held mixer for making cakes most have at home,bed sheets,or pillow,
case that can be cut into long strips......and the fermenting net i talked about!
Ice,and trimmings,or good dry crushed up buds even better...
What needs to be done first of all,is collecting the material,maybe buds?
Or just crushed materials from the bottom of bags of weed,even the bags,
that you store it in will have resins on them and can be cleaned off!!
even the old baggies have hash on them,matter of fact every time i make it,
i clean off all my saved baggies that i had stored weed in,after smoking them!
i always keep the plastic bags in addition to the trim,and crushed buds i use...
a trick i do that works well,let me tell you how to do my method from the start!!!
Ice hash,the op method,first having many 5 gallon buckets,the fermenting net,
you can get online,or at those Home brew/beer and Wine making stores!
Just ask for the fermenting net that fits those 5 gallon buckets,about 8$ only,
a pic of it for you here...
Looks like a hair net,but is a fermenting net,and the point is the MESH SIZE!!!!!
Just like those 80 dollar hash bags this works great for only about 8 dollars....
i use to make home made WINE,and i said 1 day,,let me try the hash with it,,,
WORKED GREAT so i now had my wine net,and a hash making net in 1...
although i did come up with the method to use these 1 bag deal hash runs,
the basic method is from the ice hash method!
Ok now,with those old hash bags,1 fits inside the other,and so on up to 7 or so?
Many bags of different mesh sizes fitting inside each other,you mix in the 1 then,
lifting up the first bag,,,then the next and squeezing them out,,,then the next,......
then the next bags and so on,each time getting a different type of grade hash.
Gets from a Green type hash that is not even worth smoking to a very good one,
only in the last 2 bags to be lifted up in the end of that 7 or 8 bag prosses?
They call them bubble bags,because you do get a few good grades,actually,
will bubble when a flame hits the hash,meaning a very pure and potent hash!
Tasty hash,no matter what method you use and i never have tried the bubble bags?
(sorry my good old friend Bubbleman) i found an easy way,never looked back......
My friends have had the bubble bags,and i have seen the products before still,
i like my simple method best as the hash is so similar to old Blond Lebenese!!!
(classic blond leb hashish i will never forget smoking from the 70's folks)
Lets have another look of my hashish friends,