This site i own here is for my very good friends and people that want to join!!
My seed sales info will be here and all my customers can find the info easy.
Looking for (a few good people) here at my chill Cannabis site to share pics,
in peace here at my-) -Administration and control i know it will be a chill place!
Not looking for tuns of traffic, adds or any other stuff mainstream sites have,
just very simple and peaceful=My Modo is just be kind and it will all be fine!!
Have fun and please ask if your having any problems posting....Op
Thank you sir!
Mind if I sit down and pack one with the group? I do appreciate chillin with like minded peeps.
I like small communities tucked away in the backwoods of the internet. They're comfy. Reminds me of a time before we were all corralled into NSA funded social media monopolies.
Old Maine huh....use to plant guerrilla up there had hundreds of plants stolen though,
thats the 1 thing i didn't like about that state as everybody walks the woods......
Had me some of the BEST WEED EVER from that state also, both sativa and afghan!!!
Actually nothing even comes close to the potency of both i just described, good times..
Maine represent!!!
Haha now i have 2 of you from Maine here...the party has started boy's!
we will be growing in peace under my control hehehehe..... :)....... Op
I can dig it. Sounds great