Lets see your buds,done cannabis flowers that are hopefully,
resiny as can be and grown right,from either you,or a friend ok.
FREE YOUR BUD PICS,and be proud of them here while you,
look around the site an have a good time reading the posts....
A spot to put up your single bud pics,if you do not like doing,
whole threads,kind of like so......a WHITE WIDOW BUD,indoor!

GOT IT,,,,so have fun folks!
its great post i find the best sour diesel website where from you buy it online with best experience service of vaping other products also. https://www.dankrevolutionstore.com/
@Words heya buddy you got some fine sativa spears from that grow my brother hahaha!
i bet that shit makes you happy... ;)
thanks for posting in here man..Op
Supersilver temple nug
Ok my man if you like that i have so many great strains to gift folks!
Post up again in the (Free Seed thread) i am making instead of this bud pic thread..
Heya friend cool you made it in here ok i see,,thanks for coming!
Just a little private site for a few good people i guess my man.... ;)
i will PM you and get something out to you for joining,,hope all works ok on this site?
Seems fine to me on my desk top imac!!....but needed input if things are a problem??
Speaking of others,,i am hoping to see things take off a bit here since the free seeds,
to join here i posted up at ig...
Try the funtions my brother and see if posting works for your phone?
Kirbs came and posted!
Hey oldpro your pics are inspiration to me and so many others. Respect. I'm still smoking some of your limonana Haze. Life is great.
YUP,,she is an indoor dream my man,,how u been brother good i hope!
Here is more of the Speed Queen for you and the folks.... ;)
YUMM YUMM MY friends she is so unique in smell and flavors,,like a hot dog!
No joke about that,,it has a garlic smoked meat smell i really love to smoke it,
has an indica high very relaxing and rejuvinating like an old afghan culitvar...
Oh,,done under 14 watt home lighting led's,,placed on that rack for an easy set up!
Zero heat to canopy using led's much more FROST!!!
That speed queen looks like a yielder
MORE SMALL LED GROWN BUD,,just as crusty as can be folks!!!
THEY ARE THE FUTURE,,cob lighting works wonders in cannabis growing...
Keeping the canopy very cool,,letting the FROST BUILD UP LIKE SO FRIENDS!!!
PEACE FOLKS,,have a happy Xmas and a great new years...........OP
About to smoke a bowl of my cross of,,Blue Rascleberry my frost loving folks!
Bud grown under small home style LED's,,my new low wattage wonders!!!
Dank and Frosty as it should be,,lots of Blueberry flavors with potency...
YO FOLKS,,,a little frosty bud here,,Speed Queed done under small LED's!
Thats with the flash,,next will be A NATURAL LIGHT PIC OF SAME BUD!!!
Grown under very small home style led lighting,,came out very good friends..
FROSTY GOODNESS with FLAVOR she performs grest indoors and out!!!
Post a pic of your buds here friends,,an have a good day sharing...
WAnna show U all a LED bud ok,,these tiny bulbs for the HOME are GREAT!!!
SPEED QUEEN,,a fast plant that does great under the home style LED's...
Hello folks!
Hot as hell outside so i have time to post more cool bud pics here...
How about some,White Kush 1 of my favorites a power house strain!!!
Now lets see YOUR BUD PICS people,easy to post,cool site,never judge yours!
Outdoor bud that was,i like the outdoors for the best terpene flavor produced..
@dcgrowdoc,where did you go buddy,i liked that bud you posted man,got more?
lemme see what U are smoking....;)
Hope U like this so far!
My old pic of a White Widow bud,yes it was a crown royal strain,way back then.......2004!!
More old pics....
Super sour diesel haze,mmm mmm good from seeds i was gifted years ago....
This was the fine outdoor product from the C99 Diesel harvest,very good bud form!!!
MISS THIS ONE BAD.....good memory seeing it again,hope you like it,and can add one...
your safe to post here,just know that ok!
Pineapple skunk,from a selection i made in 2006,was a sweet smooth smoke!!!!!
Pure pineapple smell and flavor,the skunk#1 gene pool is a flavor factory........;)
Again,all these pics are at least a decade old,so now harm done!
Authorities can fuck off,i have done my time,for these pics,all old news to you.
Just glad i still have them to share ok friends!!!
back to the BUD pics we go......
She looks a bit stoned,my little maiden hahaha!
Gotta love OG kush though,a very popular strain folks,perfectly grown if i may say...;)
Bud pics,and cola shots coming up folks,add yours and be a memeber here!
Some skunk#1 colas...
Skunk plants from 2003,they always do big dank buds!
This was from a field of C99 deisels,a strain i miss....1 huge harvest that year,63 pounds!
more....^^what a good year it was folks,dry and pleasent!
Oh,the good old days here folks.....;)
SKUNK#1',,,C99 Diesels,,,G13 Haze,Sativa,indica heaven as we have year round growing.
Try that,dry cannabis with your front door wide open,yes i am nutz,was nutz,and did my time for it......
Still have these wondeful pics though to share!
Had me a heck of a time,even doing time i made the best of it in the pen...
Living life to my fullest,not being afraid to do things,or speak my mind ever!
Ok few more harvest pics,,,,then back to the topic=BUD PICS folks...;)
Nothing wrong with drying in the living room right,after all cannabis brings LIFE!!!!!!
Live free or die....Op
WHATS UP FOLKS,,,,anybody want to show a bud besides me,your welcome too!
POST IT UP,lets see the resins,colors and shapes of your buds,indoors and out,
does not matter here inmy site,the only thing is have fun friends,feel free to post..
My G13 x Haze,crossed to short sativa,for a winner yielding strain folks,given away as freebies huh and probably better than most who sell seeds out there with tiny genetics.
You are getting vigor in my strains,flavors and potency!
DRY BUD of ECSD to finish up with this beauty,she is a number 10 plant in cannabis!!!
PUFF PUFF PASS........op
My usual morning smoke is the EAST COAST SOUR DIESEL,and i am proud to have it!!!
This is what a perfect rep looks like from that cut,she is a potent,very unique taste...;)
FOX TAILS AN ALL,,,,as good as she gets folks,i have not seen a better rep online yet!!
Cool brother,i have the Tahoe OG also,good respected bud there man!
Thanks for posting and getting things going,,,,bring a friend...;)