When cannabis is grown indoors,it is never as comfy as outdoors...
indoor cannabis does not breath like an outdoor plant as they can,
also take in way more fertilizers than the indoor grow plants!
To be very truthful,the smells(terpenes) are never the best indoors,
although many grow indoors do to the legality now STILL,they must.
Growing indoors comes with many many styles of growing,and lights,
these days the LED's have taken over the indoor rooms in most cases!
Good for reducing heat,and way less power usuage,plants can grow,
from small 14 watt home style LED's up the the 1000 watt HPS lights...
Some growers like it because it can be a cleaner garden,less insects,
or using no soils,like the hydro type grows,but a plant is most comfortable,
in natural soils not just water.....
Hydro grows a plant fast and bushy,but the flowers may have a fertilizer taste,
plants need materiels of natural types in my opinion,to build more solid plants!
Although the indoor gardens can be clean,some insects do prefer the indoors,
dry conditions are the favorite for one of the worst insects,Spider Mites.............
Outdoors, not a problem as they hate moister,other insects eat them!!!
When and if you get them indoors they can be very very hard to get rid of folks,they are so tiny,and very resistant to chemicals,but the Avid i found!
Avid is a Rose Gardeners insect killer,the best...expensive also,but works.
Getting into the types of lighting,and the actual light hours used next....
The way a plant is triggered to flower is first the age,from seedlings a month,
after they germinate they may show sex,meaning male or females,some take,
longer as the Sativa types may take 6 weeks or more to show sex.
The very first part of growing is the vegitative stage,the first part of growth.....
Using any lights they are set at a long day,from a full 24 hours light on,or less,
18 hours is a better time,as they will need sleep time for less stress indoors!
16 hours is still in the vegitive timings they plants will still keep growing leaf...
When the hours get less than 14 hours of light,then plants start to flower a bit,
The indoor growers some times chop the light hours in half,from 24 to 12 on,
or 18 to 12 hours on,it will trigger flowering even that 6 hours difference!!!
(a plant grown from seed with just a 12 hour lights on,will grow just fine)
Thats how it is in nature,the light comes up in the mornings,say 7:am...,
then the sun goes down at 7:pm at night,making a perfect 12 hours light!
This type growing plants flower from that age,a month or so onwards.....
You can also do the same lighting with indoor growing,12 on 12 off ok!!!!!
So basically it is up to you if you want the vegitive hours of light 24,20,18,
under the 18 hours of lights on,any less may trigger some flowering at 16,
i keep them at 20 hours on,4 off in the vegitive stage,an low as 18 on........
Plants that are kept at 24 hours lights on will stress,so the 20/4 gives them,
sleep time,plants do need rest, and thats a part of not stressing them!
Let me get pics of some old indoor grows,i have many,testing many bulbs!
Hydro is not my preference though ok...;),,,but i know about it,done it....
Natural composted soils are the best,or soils that have good amendments!
These grows have been done using the high powered 1000 watt lights to,
the tiny 14 watt LED's made for the home,and if you have questions just ask.

Yes my music studio sometimes is a grow room.....;)
I've been talking up your haze work to a few haze heads. I sparked interest in your work most definitely. I hope to grow more haze in the future. Fantastic smoke