Lots of gardening to be seen here friends as i grow year round......;)
Let me get a few pics of what i do in the yard,let me also say it is hard!
Hard work in the very hot and humid climate makes it very very hard....
The deep south where i am from,has the opposite time to grow,winter!
Well our winters are not really a cold type,or very long but i do ok id say,
you will see many types of vegitables and trees that will grow great here.
Tropical fruits are doing good the last few years,as the climates getting,
much hotter in the last 20 years.......unbelievably HOT and HUMID summers.
Thats usually my rest time,just keeping things watered is a must in beach sand.
Their is no real soils here,i do most my growing in small pots for vegtables.....
or you will just see the soils being lost in the heavy sand,insects are very bad!
Probably the worst state for them,and they do lots of harm to plants and ME...
1 of the worst insects that never gets talked about,is the "No See'em" fly.....
These tiny microscopic flies bite very bad and cause big welts all over ME,
i am what they call here,"the unlucky type" that those insects bother mostly!
i litterally have thousands of scares all over my body from those dang pests.
Florida,is a hellish jungle thats very hard to live in,never mind working in this?
So,with all i go threw gardening here,i can still be happy about my harvests!!!

However,even if a tree looks this healthy here 1 year,you could see it die........
Here besides all the insects we have the viruses and molds that harm plants.
That was a tree i lost to the mealy bugs,and molds,after having it 3 years???
Kept the seeds and made free trees this time!
Tropical Beauty Peach Trees are very sweet,very juicy and taste the very best!!
Since we now have the BOX FLY from Asia that has devistated the citrus crops.
Now that new strains of peaches have been developed,i went with these fruits!
She did fruit 3 years,cost about 40 bucks for the tree,so hurt i was to lose that.
They do grow here,and now i have several trees going and a different type!
Florida King,she put out good fruits this spring,and at the last few days fruits,
rotted from black rot...gotta spray the fruits next time with a fungus killer..
Other stuff that realy is easy like Pineapples do very good here,my poolside!
Extra sweet and very low acid fruits,they are like a cacti very good here....;)

if you can leave them on the plant until they are yellow they are very sweet!!!!
More tropical stuff like Papaya's next!!!

These are RED PAPAYA,,,many plants from seed i grow,they do great here!!!

HOORAY i have done a graft and can now SAVE my champion Mango Tree!!!!!!!
So,,even if my big tree gets frozen to the sand.....i will always have the genetics now,
kept safe from freezes and can make as many trees from the mother as i need here..
my big tree has done well and recovered from it's freeze damage,,not sure if it will flower?
learning as i go....may take another year of wood to fruit again and i hope for no freezes..
i also have saved dozens of seeds to make new grafted trees soon this spring friends!!!
My Mango is a champion tree with the very best juicy tasty fruits...she needed to be saved.
Hello folks,,,welp,,as i said you can have a healthy tree 1 year with lots of fruits,
the very next year a total difference in life since freezes kill trees like i said.....
WELP,,we had one last winter that took my favorite mango down badly burnt.
A good 6 to 10 feet of wood got frozen and this year i have zero fruits same tree?
Florida can change year to year season to season so drastically it is un real,un fair..
She is still alive as i rapped the main trunk with blankets for that 1 night freeze.
We have 364 days of growing season,,and 1 that kills all tropical plants every year?
SO,,we see losses every year to the dang freezes here...i loved that MANGO TREE!!
Maybe in about 2 years again i may see fruits if it does not freeze every winter 1 day...
Have my Kratom Trees in the ground,,sand huh that sucks....peace....Op
Hello my good friend,,,hmmm France is nice for many types of fruits brother!!!
Apples,,pairs,,plums,,peaches,,,those main types that i really can't grow here...
Thanks again man for popping in here,,glad you enjoy my pics and gardens man,
hope to see your growing some day if you'd like to share!
it is that time of year again to start the vegtables,,,gotta grow yellow beans for bunny!
i have a wild Florida bunny we raised from a tiny baby that is SO COOL A PET hahaha!~
Never thought that a wild bunny would be so cool to have?
Heck of a personality on him!
Here he is friends,,we love him so much and is easy to take care of really!!!
Looking great Lou, wish I could grow Mangos here in France
Back with some fresh cut MANGO!!!
First ever fruit i am enjoying from my back yard,,and planted from seed 10 years ago!
This MANGO is the best i ever had in my life,,soft flesh with no strings,,BIG FRUITS!!
2 people can eat from 1 of the fruits my tree gives,,and what a perfect flavor too..;)
Well worth the long wait that most people would never consider...not me,,growing,
from seed is where it all comes from,,the better selections start from seed plants!
PEACE till next time,,more coming always out of my back yard here...
OK GARDENING FRIENDS,,,,my Mango Tree Seedling,,is confirmed to be GREAT!!!!!
The fruits from my seedling took the tree as said,,10 years to fruit from seed,,long time..
Would rather have this tree than any other Mango Tree,,because the fruits are HUGE!!!
SEE FOLKS,,,no joking at all the fruits are 2 pounds for the big ones,,and a pound for smaller!
The tree did put out 100 fruits in it's very first year,,,a winner to say the very least gardeners...
SO MUCH SO,,that i may try and patent my variety for a new MANGO TYPE!!.......
(Lou's premo pic)-mango,,or (Lou's robust)....something like that for a name?
All tree seedlings will be a bit different from the parent trees,,i am so happy it is a winner!!!!!
Very sweet with no fibers,,,extra juicy,,with no jungle funk,,2 people can eat from 1 fruit....
Flavor is a perfect mango with no adic,,melt in your mouth tender,,,well worth the wait friends!
Most mango fruits you get in stores are only a pound or less,,and most trees do not hold a 100,
in their first year fruiting and having from 2 to 6 fruits on each branch tips is a prolific specimen.
1 day i may try to name my own Mango Tree type for this area,,never seen one so heavy fruiting!
Big yielding mango trees are a good thing as many only hold 1 fruit on each branch tip folks....
:)Plus the fruits are better than any and all mango's you get in stores.
Can take it to the local University as a new genetic,,selected from my yard,,also a late fruiter!
Later fruiters are very important here,,because we can have freezes right when they flower...
Killing any chance of a tree holding the fruits,,and most mango trees frower at around first of,
January right when those hard freezes come i know because i have had dozens of trees killed.
Mango Trees freeze very easily,,my last one was a 20 footer that got frozen to ground level.....
(dead over night)....and have had many many smaller trees freeze around here,every year........?
HOPE IT DOES NOT FREEZE THIS WINTER,,,this place gets the hardest freezes anywhere.
This tree sits in the very same spot,,and i have learned to rap the trunck up good next freeze!
Will also be making grafted young trees in order to preserve this prolific specimen,,fruit tree..
pics of that later on,,will show how the grafting is done!
Wish me luck in the grafting friends,,,see you soon,,OP
Hello folks!
got more.......
This time FIGS,,i am SO happy to have the fattest figs from 1 plant i have@!
The figs here mainly are about as big as a thumb maybe or smaller most types.
My cutting is a nice big mediterreanian type like a Greek Fig,,,getting very BIG!!!
Here is a comparison of the usual small fig next to my newest big type like an apple!
They are very watery and sweet,,what i noticed was that the seeds inside are not there?
This is because we in the USA do not have a special wasp that pollenates the figs.....
SEEDLESS is better anyways right!!!
More figs on the plant folks,,mmm,,,mmm,,,GOOD!
Figs in the stores are NEVER DONE RIGHT,,,a total waste of product because figs never,
get done after they are picked so if you have tried the store figs,,,you need to try FRESH!!!!
Figs will develope sugars on the plant only,,they need time,,and only pick when oozing.....
The stems will get softer as the fruits ripen,,i love FIGS and i have 5 types growing!!
BEAUTIFUL home grown figs are a fresh sweet treat from my back yard in the south!
Hope you can share stuff from your gardens here also,,please tell friends and post up..
Hello my brother and thanks again for popping in here to reply,,i love that!!
Well,,just got done covering my Mango fruits with Tin Foil,,the heat slap burns,
fruits are getting 100 plus Temps....sucks as this Mango Tree is fruiting for the,
FIRST TIME from SEED....took 10 plus years though.........
Very happy to have her fruit so Prolificlally,,and from her seeds,,i will make more,
by grafting branch tips onto seedlings giving a tree that fruits in a year!
Fruits are fattening up and very big,,she held lots of them for a first year fruiting!!!!!
Now i am waiting on my Avocado Trees from seed to fruit,,probably next year..
Got like 4 mango trees,and a Dozen or so avodaco trees going from seed ofcorse,
love growing from seeds,,let me get more yard pics my friends,,hope your watching!
Here are my peach trees from seed also...
Awesome garden Lou, love the diversity you grow from flowers, fruit, veg and all of your ethnobotanicals.
Love tropical fruits that i grow myself!!!
Took down some papaya's the other day,,and when i cut one open seen this.....
A smiling fruit,,juicy and sweet to make your day better,,smile for the cam hahaha!!!
Have a good day everyone........
MORE stuff from my yard coming up today!!!
ANYBODY LIKE MANGO's......i planted seeds 10 years ago,and this year is fruiting!!
This seedling is also a prolific fruiter,,and i will make more trees by grafting them..
This is just wonderful for a first year a tree ever fruits folks,,usually they only hold 1 or 2,,
on each branch tip,,this tree is holding up to 6 or 7 fruits each branch,,i am loving this....
Happy growing gardeners!!!
Having a good day i hope out there,will try to brighten your day here again,
with flowers.....
FEELING BETTER YET,,,flowers can have a way of showing you peace!!!!
More back yard produce.... and plants.....;)
Young red papaya!
and flowers....;)
these smell so strong and sweet friends,try to grow one in pots from seeds!
SWEET AS HONEY they smell very nice in the yard!!
More young papaya from seed,,,get the red types at stores to grow big fruits!!!
Fast growing and fruit in 1 season if grown right...;)
SO GOOD,,,after smoking cannabis friends!!!
PAPAYA...red are the best..have the small solo also in my yard!
Ok more plants n produce i grow..
Avodaco Trees,that one is now 30 feet tall and about to flower,taking 8-10 yrs..
From seed i also do Peach Trees as they will flower fast in about 3 yrs from seed,one of the easier trees to have FREE!!!
This was the Tropical Beauty i talked about in the first postings here,dead now.
Growing her seedlings though!!
COFFEE PLANTS are another easy to do plant in the deep south,i have 2...
They are both about 3 feet tall now and i have harvested coffee beans already!
Was so proud of my peach tree here,as they are a challenge in the deep south
later i will show the seedling plants fruiting here!
Still puffing as i look for my pics,in this new imac,i have thousands to show!!!
From wonderfully exotic flowers and fruits,to regular vegtables and trees!!!!
Flowers are a cool thing to view in the yard even if your a man they can help.
Plant mechanisms are very interesting to me,the things/funtions in them all,
that make for all the colors and paterns,smells and flavors,shapes an sizes....
Where and HOW do plants get and use chemicals from the earth,to do things?
True magic friends,,,i love plants!!!
Helping humans and animals in all areas,the eye,the mind,the food for energy!
My first dog to the left got his eye's on something,besides my pineapples?
Then you see there my mescaline cacti haha,still have them 15 years later!
Should have just left them in that old spot because they are almost dead now.
May just do that haha,never even eat them yet in all that time............................?
Shit happens,life is always busy i guess and time really does FLY by............;(
oh well i will get to try the eating of them 1 day!!
They are the,San Padro,and Trichenenses cacti that do contain mescaline!!!!!
Had a few ethnobotanicals that i did harvest!!!!!
Like the Hawaiian baby rosewood vine seeds,containing gebrilic acid...
Did try them,an got nausia,but after that they had a trippy effect hahaha!
Look below..
Seeds are in those pods,next the plant vine and flower!
Hawiian baby rosewood flower!!!
More flowers next...
Ok as i smoke some flowers,i was thinking to break it up,with my yard flowers!
puff puff pass........
Summer time exotics here!!!!
More exotic is the cannabis flower of blueberry hahaha!
Had a Koe fish pond at 1 time,very peaceful it was to watch them,my sister has,
the fish in a huge 50 feet long by 20 wide pond with water fall now!!!
SURPRIZE the OPIUM POPPY!!!....had much fun growing them too folks...
Pretty cool pics id say so far,,,i hope U all enjoy these,as they are all mine!
The opium poppies are in the lettuse family,here they are in 3 gallon pots!!
There are my old Koe,from my pond i had!!
More garden stuff from the back yard in the very deep south my friends!
Egg plants the size of a pocket book,tasty tomatoes,and very sweet pineapple!
Green and Yellow beans are very fast and easy to grow,so good with butter!!!
Cabbage that had just gotten frost one winter,these are very easy to grow!!!
Another easy grower here along with many ohter vegitables!!!
Beautifully big tasty heirloom tomatoes!!!
Grape tomatoes too!
Different types of Egg plants!!
The normal green bell peppers were some of the hardest to do here,but now,
we have these new sweet peppers that are easy to grow here,vitamin C folks!
Banana's do ok,but are a challenge because of hard freezes some years......
Have 3 different types growing now,from finger banana's to big types!!
Grapes,blackberries and blueberries too!!!
More back yard veggies n fruits coming up folks,hope you enjoyed these pics!
We grow grapes,muscadine,and some new types,those need prunning bad....
Seems everything grows like vines here,plants will grow over your house here!
BANANA's are another good tropical fruit to have here,if the sand is not bad....
Lots of rains are needed for good crop sets though,this year we have no rains?
Cavendash type here,a smaller sweet banana with a slight pineapple flavor!!!
Have 3 types of banana's going now,i found a very prolific type that grows tall..
Will see a good rack soon from those type!
BIG HEADS of Broccoli folks!!
They do very well here,and same with Cabbage,and Cauliflower very good bug resistance on these and that helps much here!!
Poolside Cabbage!
Fig trees are cool,they want a better soil than just sands,but i make it just fine!
Sweet peppers,red,yellow,and orange types a new variety that makes it here!!!
i try and grow anything i can,it is all about the gardening passion for me!!!