Will be adding some links for medical cannabis in this thread ok,
all welcome to ADD important info,on the subject of this valued med!
you can always google anything you need to know yourself,easily too!
This helping plant medicine is becoming more and more excepted,
glad to see that and hope to help out in any ways i can,we can help,
together friends!
Have a good day,and a healthy life,facts are mounting,and walls fall.

Another good copy n paste here,for the medical info needs!
10 Basic Facts About Marijuana
MARIJUANA 101 — FEB 17, 2016
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Marijuana, cannabis and hemp are all names that refer to this unique plant.
The marijuana symbol is seen everywhere these days — on clothing, jewelry, keychains and stickers. It’s no surprise that cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in the U.S. and worldwide.
The growing popularity of marijuana is evident, but many people lack a standard knowledge about the plant. Here are 10 facts about cannabis that you should know:
1. Marijuana is derived from the Cannabis plant
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
The cannabis plant (also known as hemp) usually grows about 8 to 12 feet high and can be grown outdoors or indoors.
The main active ingredient in cannabis — the part that gives the “high” feeling — is called THC, which stands for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. THC acts on specific molecules in the body known as cannabinoid receptors, which are mostly found in the brain. Different cannabis products have different levels of THC.
The term “cannabis” can also refer to any drug that is derived from the plant, including the three major types: Marijuana, hashish and hash oil.
Marijuana is made from a mixture of dried and shredded flowers of the plant and is greenish-gray in appearance. Hashish is made from the resins of the plant and hash oil is a sticky, black liquid.
2. Marijuana has different strains
(Photo: Drug Policy Alliance)
(Photo: Drug Policy Alliance)
Marijuana strains can be pure or hybrid varieties, usually derived from the two major species of cannabis: indica and sativa. Different strains have been bred to intensify certain characteristics of cannabis.
One of the most popular strains is OG Kush. It has the highest THC content of all Kush strains and is recognized as one of the strongest cannabis strains.
Sour Diesel is another well-known strain, which has a strong odor and mood-enhancing effects.
3. Marijuana can be consumed in a number of ways
(Photo: Drug Policy Alliance)
(Photo: Drug Policy Alliance)
Marijuana can be rolled into a joint using rolling paper. When tobacco is mixed in — to add flavor and to make it burn slower — it’s called a spliff. Marijuana can also be smoked in a cigar shell, which is referred to as a blunt.
Another common method of smoking marijuana is with a pipe. A bong is a special type of pipe that passes smoke through water and is regarded by some as an effective way to reduce exposure to carcinogens in smoke.
Another method of consuming cannabis is by eating it in the form of edibles. Steeping it as a tea is also an option.
Out of all these methods, researchers and doctors agree that using a vaporizer is the safest way to consume marijuana. Vaporizers heat the cannabis to a point that vaporizes the active ingredients without burning it, thus eliminating the harmful effects of smoking.
4. Marijuana has physical and psychological effects
(Photo: NIH/Flickr)
(Photo: NIH/Flickr)
The effects of marijuana begin within a few minutes after inhalation and can last a few hours. THC is absorbed more slowly when it’s taken as a food or liquid and the effects take longer to be felt.
The marijuana high can affect a user physically in a number of ways, including an increased heart rate, dry mouth, bloodshot/glazed eyes and an increase in appetite (often referred to as the “munchies”).
When a user is high, they most commonly feel euphoria and a sedative tranquility. Effects may also include lowered inhibitions, drowsiness, and silliness/giddiness. Some users also report anxiety and paranoia.
People who smoke marijuana may experience long-term effects, similar to that of a cigarette smoker, such as a cough, frequent chest colds and chronic bronchitis. Using a vaporizer has been shown to prevent these effects.
5. Marijuana has many street names
(Photo: Bob Doran/Flickr)
(Photo: Bob Doran/Flickr)
Street names for cannabis vary by region and demographic. Older slang terms for cannabis include pot, herb, Mary Jane, grass, reefer, dope and weed. Ganja, bud, chronic and skunk are also commonly used.
Other slang terms related to marijuana include pothead, which refers to a heavy user; headshop, which is a store that sells paraphernalia; and 420, which can refer to the time for smoking marijuana (4:20) or the unofficial holiday (April 20th).
6. The legality of marijuana varies by country
(Photo: muralswallpaper.co.uk)
(Photo: muralswallpaper.co.uk)
Countries around the world have different laws about the use of cannabis recreationally and medicinally. There are also different regulations for possession and sale of the drug.
Possession of cannabis is legal in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Spain, Netherlands, North Korea, Uruguay and a number of states in the U.S.
Cannabis is decriminalized in many countries, meaning it’s prohibited but is not considered a criminal offence and would merit minor penalties.
Marijuana is legal in some U.S. states, including Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska. It is medically legal in 25 states and decriminalized in 20 states.
Although cannabis is widely used in Canada, it’s illegal in all provinces and territories without a doctor’s prescription. However, a newly elected government is currently drafting legislation that would legalize and regulate marijuana for all adults nationwide.
7. Marijuana is commonly used
(Photo: Tinou Bao/Flickr)
(Photo: Tinou Bao/Flickr)
According to the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 22.2 million Americans used marijuana in the past year — a significant jump from previous years.
According to a 2015 Gallup poll, 44% of Americans have tried marijuana in their lifetime.
The percentage of Canadians who have tried the drug is also 44%, according to data from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. A 2012 survey found that 12.2% of Canadians used marijuana in the past year.
8. Marijuana is one of the world’s oldest crops
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
The cannabis plant is believed to be one of the oldest crops cultivated by humans. Records of its use date back over 6000 years. Early civilizations relied on hemp crops as a source of food, fibre, oil and paper.
A Chinese medical reference as old as 2700 BC is usually cited as the first mention of medical use of marijuana. The Ancient Chinese used cannabis to treat constipation, malaria, rheumatic pain and female disorders.
Consumption then spread to India and the Middle East, where Muslims used hashish. It eventually reached Europe around 500 BC.
9. Marijuana is safer than alcohol
(Photo: Kimery Davis/Flickr)
(Photo: Kimery Davis/Flickr)
According to a 2014 survey, seven out of ten Americans believe alcohol is more harmful than marijuana — and they’re right.
The most commonly cited reason for this belief is that cannabis has never directly caused a death, while alcohol claims many lives each year. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, there were 3.3 million deaths attributed to alcohol in 2012.
Of course, alcohol poisoning is responsible for some of these deaths. On the other hand, no one has ever died from a marijuana overdose.
But the long-term effects of alcohol, such as chronic illnesses, cause the most deaths. Another argument is that marijuana has a number of proven medical uses, whereas no doctor would ever recommend alcohol to a sick patient.
10. Marijuana can be prescribed for many conditions
(Photo: Alex Proimos/Flickr)
(Photo: Alex Proimos/Flickr)
The use of medical marijuana has become more and more common in the U.S. and around the world. Patients that are approved to use medical marijuana usually buy the drug from a licensed supplier.
Medical marijuana can be smoked, vaporized, eaten or taken as a liquid.
Cannabis is most commonly prescribed for pain. This could include anything from migraine headaches to spinal injury. It can also be helpful for patients experiencing nausea and appetite loss, such as those undergoing chemotherapy.
Some doctors also prescribe marijuana for Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, anxiety, PTSD, depression and a variety of other conditions.
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7 Undeniably Important Facts About Medical Cannabis
Lukas W Lukas W Comments0 15 June, 2016
canadian mj delivery service prescription bottle 7 Undeniably Important Facts About Medical Cannabis
Photo credit
We at HERB recognize the wonders of medical cannabis and the benefits it can have on its patients. But there are a lot of aspects of medical cannabis that fly under the radar to the general populous. If these benefits may be somewhat familiar to you and for more information, we definitely have you covered. Simply follow the links on the key topics for a more in-depth and detailed article.
1. It reduces suicide rates
1 unbelievable mmj facts suicide 7 Undeniably Important Facts About Medical Cannabis
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Studies have shown that the time period following the legalization of medical cannabis has shown an almost 5% decrease in the total suicide rate. Even better, males aged 20-29 displayed an 11% decrease in suicide, meaning that cannabis can help youth recover from suicidal tendencies and mindsets.
2. It can fuel brain cell growth
2 unbelievable mmj facts brain cell growth 7 Undeniably Important Facts About Medical Cannabis
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Cannabis has been shown in recent studies to facilitate the growth of new cells in the hippocampus section of the brain. This component of the brain is responsible for memory and emotion processing. So next time traditionalists in your life criticize the use of cannabis, you’ve got proof that it doesn’t make you stupid. It can do the opposite!
3. Cancer’s worst enemy
3 unbelievable mmj facts cancer 7 Undeniably Important Facts About Medical Cannabis
Photo credit
We just recently did an article on the details of how cannabis oil destroys cancer cells, and the evidence is quite astounding. It all comes down to the immune system and its susceptibility to cannabis oil. Not only does it help to rid the body of cancer cells, but it is the perfect medication for patients going through chemotherapy.
Nausea, pain, and depression can be treated will heavy doses of certain cannabis strains.
4. No evidence of significant lung damage
4 unbelievable mmj facts lungs 7 Undeniably Important Facts About Medical Cannabis
Photo credit
Although many people assume that any type of smoke is detrimental to your lung health, cannabis is actually quite different from tobacco in terms of its combustion and effects on the lungs. Studies have shown that even with heavy use, lung health is hardly affected by cannabis smoke. This is quite the contrast when comparing to cigarettes, the biggest influencer to lung cancer.
5. You can claim it on your taxes
5 unbelievable mmj facts taxes 7 Undeniably Important Facts About Medical Cannabis
Photo credit
In regions of the US where medical cannabis is legal, the majority of patients still pay for their medicine directly out of pocket. If you get your medical cannabis from a government approved vendor, then you can legally right off your expenses as a health cost.
6. It’s a historical plant
6 unbelievable mmj facts historic 7 Undeniably Important Facts About Medical Cannabis
Photo credit
Medical cannabis has been used around the world for a huge variety of different medical ailments, for thousands of years. The first recorded use of cannabis as a healing drug was in 2737 BC.
7. Different strains / different effects
7 unbelievable mmj facts strains 7 Undeniably Important Facts About Medical Cannabis
Photo credit
If you are unfamiliar with the dispensary and cannabis purchasing culture, then you could have assumed that all strains are the same. But the 2 main species of cannabis, sativa and indica, can produce wildly different effects on the patient. Depending on the medical condition, you can do quite a bit of research to pinpoint the perfect strain for whatever you are suffering from.
What is your favorite aspect of medical cannabis? Do you have a favorite strain that alleviates most of your conditions? Let us know on social media or in the comments below!
About Latest Posts
2016 07 04 06 39 57 7 Undeniably Important Facts About Medical Cannabis
Lukas W
Proud Canadian who strives to deliver entertainment and knowledge to all cannabis enthusiasts. Follow me on Twitter @HERBLukas
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Is Your Low-Fat Diet Killing Your Endocannabinoid System?
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New Study: Cannabis Helps Addiction & Mental Health
Candian researchers have discovered that cannabis, as it turns out, may help treat addiction and mental health disorders.
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Does Cannabis Help Hero 386x193 Does Cannabis Help Ease The Pain Of Fibromyalgia?
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This Is Why Hero 386x193 This Is Why You Need CBD In Your Life
This Is Why You Need CBD In Your Life
Cannabidiol has a wealth of therapeutic benefits. Here's why you need more CBD in your life and how to find the best CBDLuxe products.
Health 11 November, 2016 Comments0
brokenbones hero 386x193 Whats The Best Way To Use Cannabis For Broken Bones?
What’s The Best Way To Use Cannabis For Broken Bones?
Have you ever used cannabis for relief from a break, twist, or sprain? Here's why the herb fights inflammation and takes pain away.
Health 09 November, 2016 Comments0
Inflammatory Bowel hero 386x193 IBD: Does Cannabis Help Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
IBD: Does Cannabis Help Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
Many patients with inflammatory bowel disease find relief with cannabis. But, how does the herb work with IBD? Is it an effective medicine?
Health 09 November, 2016 Comments0
THC Medicinal hero 386x193 Medical Cannabis Myth Busters: Is THC Medicinal?
Medical Cannabis Myth Busters: Is THC Medicinal?
CBD is not the only cannabis compound with medical benefits. Here's what you need to know about THC and whole plant medicine.
Health 06 November, 2016 Comments0
Dr. Oz hero2 386x193 Dr. Oz Investigates Cannabis As A Potential Cure For Opioid Addiction
Dr. Oz Investigates Cannabis As A Potential Cure For Opioid Addiction
Dr. Oz looks the opioid addiction epidemic, and the success of medical cannabis in treatment. Could it be the ticket out of opioid dependence?
Health 05 November, 2016 Comments0
Digestion hero 386x193 6 Surprising Pros & Cons Of Using Cannabis For Digestion
6 Surprising Pros & Cons Of Using Cannabis For Digestion
The impacts of the herb really depend on what you've got going on inside your gut. Here are the pros and cons of cannabis as a digestion tool.
Health 03 November, 2016 Comments0
what is cannabis hyperemesis is it real hero 386x193 Have You Heard Of Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome?
Have You Heard Of Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome?
Have you heard of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome? Have you experienced intense vomiting after cannabis? Are some people more susceptible?
Health 01 November, 2016 Comments0
Cannabis The Gut 10 386x193 Cannabis & The Gut: Does Weed Heal Or Harm?
Cannabis & The Gut: Does Weed Heal Or Harm?
Does cannabis quell nervous stomach? Does the herb really cause some people to vomit a lot? How does cannabis impact the gut, anyway? Here are the answers.
Health 31 October, 2016 Comments0
does cannabis heal concussions hero 386x193 Does Cannabis Heal The Brain After A Concussion?
Does Cannabis Heal The Brain After A Concussion?
Many NFL players have come out in support of medical cannabis. But, does it really help the brain heal after injury and repair damage from a concussion?
Health 31 October, 2016 Comments0
420 doctors easily get mmj card pattern 386x193 420 Doctors: The Easiest Way to Get Your MMJ Card
420 Doctors: The Easiest Way to Get Your MMJ Card
420 Doctors, get a MMJ Card today! From San Jose to Los Angeles, see a medical marijuana doctor online now for your 420 evaluations.
Culture 31 October, 2016 Comments0
spinalpain 386x193 Cannabis & Injury: Can It Ease Spinal Pain?
Cannabis & Injury: Can It Ease Spinal Pain?
Opioid medications are often the first line of defense with spinal pain, but those come with some severe side effects and the risk of addiction.
Health 28 October, 2016 Comments0
cannabis infused massage hero 386x193 Have You Explored The Health Benefits Of Cannabis Massage?
Have You Explored The Health Benefits Of Cannabis Massage?
Smoking cannabis isn't the only way to enjoy the benefits of the plant, did you know that cannabis massage comes with many health benefits?
Health 25 October, 2016 Comments0
medical cannabis mythbusters addiction hero 386x193 Medical Cannabis Myth Busters: What Is Cannabis Addiction?
Medical Cannabis Myth Busters: What Is Cannabis Addiction?
What is the exact definition of cannabis addiction? Is cannabis use disorder real? How many people become addicted?
Health 25 October, 2016 Comments0
Crohns Disease heronew 386x193 Will Cannabis Help Send Crohns Disease Into Remission?
Will Cannabis Help Send Crohn’s Disease Into Remission?
Cannabis And Your Gut: How does cannabis treat Crohn's Disease? Is it actually effective? Here's a summary of the current research and anecdotal evidence.
Health 25 October, 2016 Comments0
how to buy legal cbd australia united states hero 386x193 You Can Now Buy Legal CBD Oil In Australia & The US
You Can Now Buy Legal CBD Oil In Australia & The US
Thanks to Elixinol Hemp CBD Oil, Australian and American residents can now buy legal CBD in their respective countries without a medical cannabis card.
Health 24 October, 2016 Comments0
High Functioning hero 386x193 What It’s Like To Have “High Functioning” Anxiety
What It’s Like To Have “High-Functioning” Anxiety
Dealing with anxiety is an invisible battle, but it doesn't have to be a solo one. 1Hour Break can help guide you back to calm sailing.
Health 20 October, 2016 Comments0
depression 386x193 Medical Cannabis Myth Busters: Does Cannabis Worsen Depression?
Medical Cannabis Myth Busters: Does Cannabis Worsen Depression?
Cannabis and mental health can have a complicated relationship. Does cannabis worsen depression over time? More research is needed.
Health 19 October, 2016 Comments0
cannabis coconut oil hero 386x193 Why Is Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil So Powerful?
Why Is Cannabis-Infused Coconut Oil So Powerful?
Making edibles, topicals, or cannacaps? Here's why cannabis-infused coconut oil is the best delivery system for your medicine.
Health 19 October, 2016 Comments0
brainleaf 386x193 Scientist Explains How Cannabis Kills Cancer
Scientist Explains How Cannabis Kills Cancer
Dr. Christina Sanchez is a molecular biologist working on cannabis and cancer. She also discovered that THC kills tumor cells.
Health 18 October, 2016 Comments0
incredble benefits hemp oil hero 386x193 10 Incredible Benefits Of Hemp Oil
10 Incredible Benefits Of Hemp Oil
Hemp oil is amazing. It's well-known that it is great for skin, but what are the other benefits? Here are 10 reasons why you should use hemp oil.
Health 17 October, 2016 Comments0
cannabis cures cancer mini documentary hero 386x193 Cannabis Cures Cancer? This Mini Documentary Examines The Possibility
Cannabis Cures Cancer? This Mini-Documentary Examines The Possibility
Does cannabis really kill cancer cells? In this mini-documentary, a doctor explains how the herb causes tumor cells to die.
Health 16 October, 2016 Comments0
plants containing beneficial cannabinoids hero 386x193 6 Plants That Contain Healing Cannabinoids (Other Than Cannabis)
6 Plants That Contain Healing Cannabinoids (Other Than Cannabis)
What do black truffles and cannabis have in common? Both are smuggled around the world and both engage the endocannabinoid system.
Health 12 October, 2016 Comments0
medical cannabis replaces dangerous drugs hero 386x193 Medical Cannabis Replaces More Dangerous Drugs
Medical Cannabis Replaces More Dangerous Drugs
The data proves medical cannabis reduces the need for harsh prescription drugs, but that's not stopping Big Pharma from pushing their chemical compounds.
Health 10 October, 2016 Comments0
cannabis schizophrenia hero 386x193 Do Small Doses Of Cannabis Improve Schizophrenia Symptoms?
Do Small Doses Of Cannabis Improve Schizophrenia Symptoms?
Cannabis for schizophrenia is a controversial topic. But, why does this study suggest that low doses may improve general functioning?
Health 10 October, 2016 Comments0
medical students want research cannabis pregnancy hero 386x193 Medical Students Demand More Studies On Cannabis & Pregnancy
Medical Students Demand More Studies On Cannabis & Pregnancy
These Georgetown medical students are concerned about the effects of cannabis on a fetus. But, does the research stack up?
Health 10 October, 2016 Comments0
your system hero 386x193 How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?
How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?
When you have to pee clean, 1Hour Break is there to help ease the tension of going without while THC leaves your system.
Health 10 October, 2016 Comments0
CureHIV hero 386x193 Did British Scientists Just Cure A Person With HIV?
Did British Scientists Just Cure A Person With HIV?
A revolutionary new HIV therapy is showing promise. The best part? The new process would actually cure the disease.
Health 06 October, 2016 Comments0
Autoimmune Disease hero 386x193 Autoimmune Diseases: How Does Cannabis Help?
Autoimmune Diseases: How Does Cannabis Help?
How does cannabis treat autoimmune diseases? Is the herb really effective? Here's how cannabis reduces inflammation and calms down the immune system.
Health 04 October, 2016 Comments0
Affects Your Body hero 386x193 7 Amazing Ways Cannabis Affects Your Body
7 Amazing Ways Cannabis Affects Your Body
Ever wonder why you get red eyes? Is "cotton vagina" a thing? This is for those who are a little canna-curious or trying to make sense of your experiences.
Health 03 October, 2016 Comments0
medicinal herbs with cannabis hero 386x193 7 Medicinal Herbs To Pair With Cannabis
7 Medicinal Herbs To Pair With Cannabis
Looking to add more therapeutic herbs to your life? These medicinal plants can boost mood, improve immune function, and combat stress.
Health 30 September, 2016 Comments0
Neurologist Explains hero 386x193 What Exactly Is CBD & Endocannabinoid Dysfunction?
What Exactly Is CBD & Endocannabinoid Dysfunction?
Watch as this neurologist explains how CBD works and why your chronic pain, migraines, and nausea could be caused by endocannabinoid dysfunction.
Health 30 September, 2016 Comments0
cannabis treats anxiety hero 386x193 Heres How Cannabis Affects Mental Health
Here’s How Cannabis Affects Mental Health
In a science kind of mood? Here's the nitty gritty on how cannabis interacts with mental health, and emotion pathways in the brain.
Health 29 September, 2016 Comments0
Donate Blood hero 386x193 Can You Donate Blood If You Smoke Weed?
Can You Donate Blood If You Smoke Weed?
Want to donate blood but smoke a lot of cannabis? Here's the scoop on what makes you a qualifying blood donor.
Health 29 September, 2016 Comments0
gridiron 386x193 Weediquette: Gridiron Ganja Looks At NFL Players Need For Weed
Weediquette: Gridiron Ganja Looks At NFL Players’ Need For Weed
Gridiron Ganja is the latest episode of VICE's Weediquette, focusing on the NFL's cannabis strictness, starring Eugene Monroe.
Health 25 September, 2016 Comments0
Slackers Anymore 5 386x193 Cannabis: Not Just for Slackers Anymore!
Cannabis: Not Just for Slackers Anymore!
How can cannabis improve your performance? According to many professional athletes, it can help you focus, increase your endurance and speed your recovery.
Health 25 September, 2016 Comments0
selfcareshare cannabis improves self care weed yo self hero 386x193 5 Ways Cannabis Improves Self Care
5 Ways Cannabis Improves Self-Care
Here's how cannabis can enhance the connection with our bodies, and discover self-care practices that work best in our own lives.
Health 25 September, 2016 Comments0
Pregnant Is OK hero 386x193 New Study Reveals Results On Using Cannabis While Pregnant
New Study Reveals Results On Using Cannabis While Pregnant
A new study searched for negative birth effects of prenatal cannabis use. What did it find? Nothing. Well, as long as you don't use tobacco.
Health 23 September, 2016 Comments0
untold dangers antidepressants hero 386x193 5 Untold Dangers Of Antidepressants (And Why Cannabis Is Better)
5 Untold Dangers Of Antidepressants (And Why Cannabis Is Better)
Antidepressants are becoming all too common. Here's what no one tells you about these drugs, and how the benefits of cannabis stack up.
Health 20 September, 2016 Comments0
cannabis ease menopause symptoms hero 386x193 Better With Age: Does Cannabis Ease Menopause Symptoms?
Better With Age: Does Cannabis Ease Menopause Symptoms?
There's no avoiding it, every woman goes through menopause. Here's how a little cannabis can help you through the transition.
Health 18 September, 2016 Comments0
realm of caring hero 386x193 The Realm Of Caring: Providing Support To Medical Cannabis Patients
The Realm Of Caring: Providing Support To Medical Cannabis Patients
The Realm of Caring supports nearly 29,000 medical cannabis patients. Without them, many desperate families might still be lost.
Health 14 September, 2016 Comments0
Quality Of Life hero 386x193 Better With Age: How Cannabis Improves Quality Of Life
Better With Age: How Cannabis Improves Quality Of Life
There's a growing amount of evidence that suggests cannabis may be better for you as you grow older. But, does it really improve quality of life?
Health 12 September, 2016 Comments0
Cannabis Help Epilepsy hero 386x193 Can Cannabis Help Epilepsy Thats Caused By Head Trauma?
Can Cannabis Help Epilepsy That’s Caused By Head Trauma?
While the herb is known for halting seizures in pediatric epilepsy, recent studies show that cannabinoids may help heal severe brain trauma as well.
Health 09 September, 2016 Comments0
diseases cannabis treats better than prescriptions hero 386x193 5 Diseases Cannabis Treats Better Than Prescription Drugs
5 Diseases Cannabis Treats Better Than Prescription Drugs
We all know cannabis is a miracle medicine, but did you know it works better than most pharmaceutical drugs?
Health 09 September, 2016 Comments0
cannabis diabetes hero 386x193 Does Cannabis Help With Diabetes Treatment?
Does Cannabis Help With Diabetes Treatment?
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes may have different causes, but the same herb may help them both. Here's the scoop on how cannabis can help diabetics.
Health 06 September, 2016 Comments0
aging skin cannabis care hero 386x193 Better With Age: How Cannabis Protects Aging Skin
Better With Age: How Cannabis Protects Aging Skin
Looking for healthy, glowing skin as you age? Cannabis may be able to lend a hand. Here's how the herb protects your skin from daily damage.
Health 05 September, 2016 Comments0
homemade cannabis tincture hero 386x193 Homemade Tinctures: The Superior Way To Consume Cannabis
Homemade Tinctures: The Superior Way To Consume Cannabis
Now that cannabis prohibition is ending, patients and other consumers are returning to the age-old practice of ingesting tinctures.
Health 01 September, 2016 Comments0
this doctor says yes hero 386x193 Does Cannabis Kill Cancer Cells? This Doctor Says Yes
Does Cannabis Kill Cancer Cells? This Doctor Says Yes
Want a powerful video to help you change the beliefs of friends and family towards medical cannabis? Watch this from Dr. Sunil Kumar Aggarwal.
Health 31 August, 2016 Comments0
1hr brk phobias hero 1 386x193 How To Overcome Phobias With Cannabis
How To Overcome Phobias With Cannabis
Phobias are never fun, and medicating to overcome them isn't always safe. Here's how to stay calm and clear-headed, whether it's clowns or spiders.
Health 29 August, 2016 Comments0
cannabis helps bones aging process hero 386x193 Better With Age: Does Cannabis Strengthen Bones?
Better With Age: Does Cannabis Strengthen Bones?
Bone loss can lead to painful fractures and arthritis in aging adults. But, according to studies, cannabis helps to strengthen bones.
Health 29 August, 2016 Comments0
Liver Cancer With Cannabis hero 386x193 How Patients Treat Liver Cancer With Cannabis
How Patients Treat Liver Cancer With Cannabis
Liver cancer can be difficult to treat, but does cannabis help? Here's how patients are using cannabis oil to fight tumors.
Health 26 August, 2016 Comments0
Treat Stomach Cancer hero 386x193 How Patients Treat Stomach Cancer With Cannabis
How Patients Treat Stomach Cancer With Cannabis
What stomach cancer symptoms does cannabis treat? How are patients using the herb? We've answered these questions and more.
Health 26 August, 2016 Comments0
4 Ways Cannabis Kills hero 386x193 These Are The 4 Ways Cannabis Kills Cancer
These Are The 4 Ways Cannabis Kills Cancer
Cannabinoids in our favorite herb are powerful cancer-fighters. These are the 4 ways compounds in cannabis kills cancer cells.
Health 25 August, 2016 Comments0
Best Medical Cannabis hero 386x193 How To Make The Best Medical Cannabis Oil
How To Make The Best Medical Cannabis Oil
Cannabis oil is a hot commodity these days. But, did you know that it's actually easy to make yourself? Here's how you make the best medical cannabis oil.
Health 24 August, 2016 Comments0
cannabis infused oral spray hero 386x193 Would You Try This Cannabis Infused Oral Spray?
Would You Try This Cannabis-Infused Oral Spray?
A new medicine is on the way to calm a global stress and anxiety epidemic. What is this miracle? A more powerful cannabis-infused oral spray.
Health 23 August, 2016 Comments0
better with age cannabis helps bodily stress hero 386x193 Better With Age: How Cannabis Protects Your Body Against Stress
Better With Age: How Cannabis Protects Your Body Against Stress
Aging happens when your body is damaged over time. Here's how cannabis combats the harms of age-related stress.
Health 22 August, 2016 Comments0
studying cannabis oil epileptic children hero 386x193 Australia Wants To Study Miraculous Effects Of Cannabis & Epilepsy
Australia Wants To Study ‘Miraculous’ Effects Of Cannabis & Epilepsy
Scientists agree that the most valuable information will come from the stories and study of children already helped by the plant.
Health 22 August, 2016 Comments0
3 cannabis offers better relief for men pain knuckles 386x193 Who Gets Better Pain Relief From Cannabis, Men Or Women?
Who Gets Better Pain Relief From Cannabis, Men Or Women?
The question of how pain affects men and women differently has reared its controversial head. Who really gets better pain relief from cannabis?
Health 22 August, 2016 Comments0
doctor blows lid chemotherapy patient tinctures hero 386x193 You Need To Watch This Doctor Blow The Lid On Chemotherapy
You Need To Watch This Doctor Blow The Lid On Chemotherapy
Is chemotherapy actually effective? This naturopathic doctor cites some scary evidence. Watch what he has to say about the industry.
Health 19 August, 2016 Comments0
nurses refuse administer young patient cannabis oil hero 386x193 Nurses Denied Ability To Administer Cannabis Oil To Sick Boy
Nurses Denied Ability To Administer Cannabis Oil To Sick Boy
Without proper regulations in place, these nurses are forced to refuses administration of cannabis oil in patients. Something is very wrong.
Health 18 August, 2016 Comments0
veterans petition safe access cannabis pills hero 386x193 Canadian Veterans Demand Safe Access To Cannabis Pills
Canadian Veterans Demand Safe Access To Cannabis Pills
Vets need access to cannabis, but many don't want to smoke it. Canadian veterans are fighting for the VA to cover costs of all forms of the herb.
Health 18 August, 2016 Comments0
cannabis and aging brain figurines hero 386x193 Better With Age: How Cannabis Helps The Aging Brain
Better With Age: How Cannabis Helps The Aging Brain
Is cannabis more beneficial for you as you age? Recent research suggests the herb may be healthy for the middle-aged and aging brain.
Health 15 August, 2016 Comments0
Kill Brain Cells hero 386x193 Does Cannabis Really Kill Brain Cells?
Does Cannabis Really Kill Brain Cells?
The anti-cannabis crowd often says that the herb lowers your IQ and changes your brain. But, is it really true that cannabis can kill brain cells?
Health 12 August, 2016 Comments0
cannabis combats bone disease hero 386x193 No Bones About It: How Cannabis May Combat Bone Diseases
No Bones About It: How Cannabis May Combat Bone Diseases
Cannabis doesn't only heal the brain. This miracle plant works its magic on the whole body, bones and all. Here's how the herb helps prevent bone diseases.
Health 11 August, 2016 Comments0
anxiety disorder GAD 4 386x193 Help Is Now Here If You Suffer From Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Help Is Now Here If You Suffer From Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder can develop at any point in life, from childhood to adulthood, and affects 3.1% of Americans. Can cannabis help?
Health 10 August, 2016 Comments0
ways give yourself cannabis massage hero 386x193 7 Ways To Give Yourself A Cannabis Massage That Will Blow Your Mind
7 Ways To Give Yourself A Cannabis Massage That Will Blow Your Mind
Cannabis massage is the perfect way to treat your body to a little TLC. Here's a DIY guide to help ease tension headaches or muscle cramps.
Health 10 August, 2016 Comments0
real life success stories amy meller hero 386x193 Amy Mellen: How Medical Cannabis Saved My Life
Amy Mellen: How Medical Cannabis Saved My Life
Every person has their own unique story of how cannabis heals. Amy Mellen shares her road to recovery with us, and says she owes it all to cannabis.
Health 09 August, 2016 Comments0
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Does Anyone Need An All-Natural Xanax Replacement?
Does Anyone Need An All-Natural Xanax Replacement?
Trump And The DEA May Soon Put CBD Out Of Reach
Trump And The DEA May Soon Put CBD Out Of Reach
TokeToMe: The New App That Connects Cannabis Lovers Around The World
TokeToMe: The New App That Connects Cannabis Lovers Around The World
5 Reasons You Should Take CBD On A Daily Basis
5 Reasons You Should Take CBD On A Daily Basis
Is It Safe To Use CBD During Pregnancy?
Is It Safe To Use CBD During Pregnancy?
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PS;TRUMP SUCKS,and all authoritarian bastards like him.