Medical cannabis can be used in many ways,the pic above is made with cannabis resins extracted into coconut oil.
This is a great way to ingest cannabis as a medicine,but other types, plant flowers,the hash(resins with out plant materials) can be extracted in cold water,ice hash,witch is the smoking the part i like best!
The medicine above can be very strong,and a bit hard to dose properly.
Coconut infused oil works to get the cannabinoids into your body,they help,
all functions in the body.
Hope to see all the states have the rights to use it medically soon!
Little bit of that OIL again,using the 151 RUM,,,,i call RUM TAFFY,using my methods!
Thats a lot of oil,,,,it can look darker if you leave the rum with the cannabis to long before the squeezing out in the net,,,only a minute or so will extract the resins into alcohol,witch are then caught in the pyrex dish....dry it,and this is how it looks...;)
Lest go over the METHOD of making my RUM TAFFY ok folks!
First the things you will need,a glass flat bottom pyrex dish,151 RUM,crushed bud or,
trimmings from buds,dry,a wine making fermenting net,(at a home brewing store)
Gloves for the squeeze!
The RUM will cost,if your getting the Bacardi 151,but no need for that expensive rum,
get the cheap 15 dollar 151 rum,works fine!
The RUM must be 151 though,or your resins will not extract as good because anything less is to much water,and cannabis does not mix,or extract using water as said above.
So,lets say that you have a bottle of RUM,a pyrex dish,a good amount of cannabis dried and crushed,plus you have the wine/beer fermenting net and are ready to make oil.....;)
EASY really,and my method is very safe unlike a BHO extraction ok,please note this,
many folks get all excited about the SHATTER and products made using that nasty stuff,
well,this may not be a hard shatter type i make,but plenty tasty and potent,with no added chemicals...
WHY add nasty chemicals to a wonderful natural plant,that need nothing,just to get that
resin,FAST is what they see,money too?
No matter how much they PURGE out that stuff,residues are left in it,that you smoke.
NOT HEALTHY,has caused such a bad name for cannabis use,that we need to think!
Another great way to get this resin,naturally is the ROSIN method,safe!
Lets first do my RUM TAFFY,and then we can go over other methods cannabis folks,
we have come a long way in a few decades.......
Ok,simply place the brewers net over that pyrex dish,add crushed dry cannabis....
not to the top of the dish,about an inch from the top,you will be adding the rum next!
YUP,i know,have a drink if you have to,then pour the bottle out over the weed in dish,
put gloves on,press the cannabis down under the rum making sure that all sinks good.
DO not leave the cannabis in the dish for more than a minute or so,but press down,
a good few times before you gather up the net from each corner,and then squeeze!
Hard as you can,this is a tough thing to do as you must press the cannabis to get out,
all the resins witch flows out quickly in the rum,turn and twist the net,squeeze more...
Getting all the last drops out,and into the pyrex dish below,you can discard the weed.
a few pics of the rum, the things used,and after the squeeze rum,in the dish ready for the drying....;)
Forgot the RAZOR BLADE,see how i have used a vice grip to clamp it to,makes the scrape way easier when we do that,the resins are never totally dry when you scrape ok!
more pics of process then friends,you must man handle using muscles when squeezing..
pics show me getting every drop of rum out of the cannabis in action!
SINK IT and press down a few good times,and you are ready to pick up net to squeeze...
Their you have it,the RUM has washed off the resins,into the dishes,ready to dry a bit!
Little plant wax floating on top,just leave that and dry safely!
Drying can be done on a flat top over,with burner on low,placing the dish right on it,
you must watch this part,you do not want the resins to totally dry because the scrape,
will be very hard,a soft resin scrapes out of the dishes bottom way easier with this way!
Before the dry pic,and after to show how it looks a bit like that shatter anyways folks!
Bubbles are ok,and you want them to know the drying is going well..........be safe,no open flames!
That tray can be a little BOMB over an open flame folks,you can even place the dish,
over a warm TV cable box to dry to be very safe!
AT this point,it will be like a sticky taffy,easily scraped up,and placed into small jars!
1 small dab,does the trick,and will have you coughing a very long time hahaha!
Pure resins,and no unsafe residues that your smoking here folks,natural products....;)
Flavor is very good also,smoking tools are needed,but you can drop some on bud,
smoke in a bowl with regular flame!
Lasts a very long time stored,a very good oil made my way,i like keeping things simple!
After the cooking for a good 2 or 3 hours at a simmer/steam,the next step let cool for about half an hour or so,enough so the water is not hot,but warm still.
Then using pyrex dishes,place that brewers net over them,having 2 dishes,
better than one,that all depends on amount of cannabis used.
What you do is pour off the water from pot,into the dishes covered with the net one at a time getting all the cannabis materials and water out of pot.
Now doing one dish at a time,because you must pick up the net and squeeze,
over the pyrex dish catching the oils/water below filtered by the brewers net!
You may have one or 2 dishes,now the way to separate the water,from the oil,
is to place them in a freezer level.
Letting the oils float to top,and solidify,once they slab is cold,all the water below gets poured out,by cutting a small corner of the hard coconut oil out!
Tilting the dish over sink and letting the water drain out,leaving the coconut slab,just towel dry it,and place in a bag,or tub in the freezer for storage...
The dosages depend on how much cannabis materials were used in the pot.
Usually a 1 inch square piece is a good dose,for a beginner,my dose is 4 inch!
Very easy to make,and very safe cannabis medicine here,the coconut oil.
Not to confuse,id like to go over the different cannabis medicines ok!
1.Actual butter extracted cannabis meds,made with real butter/unsalted.
2.Coconut cannabis extracted oil,much like a butter in texture,a slab as above.
3.Rum extracted cannabis oil,only a high proof alcohol does this best,less proof the more water,and cannabis does not extract with water.
Then with in the nasty BHO extractions,this is a forcing of the BHO,threw a small tube witch rinses the resins out into a parchment paper as a hard oil.
Their are many names like the WAX,i spoke of,SHATTER,another,and butter,
not to be confused with the 3 above that i explained.
Thats all nasty products in my opinion,as their will always be a residual left.
BHO is a cancer causing,what a lighter works on not meant to be ingested,
i am sure you have heard of this BHO stuff,please do other methods!
Getting back to the first 3 above,the best is the coconut oil,less heavy,
does not interfere in flavor like a real butter does!
Organic Coconut oil,can be found in a grocery store and is very cheap!
When making this oil,you need dry materials of cannabis flowers,ground,
and powdered.
Placing it in a big pot with water,and the coconut oil from the jar,you will need,
2 or 3 inches of water in the pot first,then empty the jar of coconut oil,now heat up until steaming,then add the cannabis materials,make it simmer.....
Not a high boil though,but a few bubbles is good!
This cooking of the cannabis takes a few good hours,steaming keeping,
and eye on the heat not to scorch it,adding water as it boils down,keeping
the 2 or so inches of water under the floating cannabis for the few hours...
Pics of the stuff used..then more!
This is a wine making,fermenting net that i use for these methods,get them at,
wine/beer home brewing stores,or online only 8 dollars,good for all methods!
The coconut oil used....
The finished product,made using the coconut oil,a very safe medicine!
Lets go back to the first medicine,coconut infused oil,or some use butter....
Butter is best never using salted,use only un salted butter,yes the butter all,
use on toast....this was one of the first ways folks came up with,but the best,
is organic coco nut oil,easy to find in stores and has a less heavy feel...
More healthy too,than regular butter,their is another butter they call,from the oils made from that nasty BHO,Butane stuff,a wax also,and shatter,a hardened oil that is colored amber,and see threw type of clear resins,and even now no,
color as a pure clear oil,the extracting processes are all different,but again use,a safer method,sure those nasty oils look great enticing right!
WELL<THE TRUTH IS> that nasty unsafe BHO,has given cannabis a bad name.
Horrible fires all over this country,have cause much harm in burning down homes,even killing people over making that good looking shatter,please?
We need to keep cannabis folks alive,we need to stay on the non violence,
and peaceful side,as citizens right!
I am from the 70's,and i have used cannabis ever since with no health issues at all,smoking heavily all that time,,,4 decades long!
Just a message,before we got into the methods to make,coconut oils,or the,
pure alcohol resins my method i call,,,,(Rum Taffy)....the last pic above folks!
Having a morning smoke,as i always do waking up with an energetic smoke,
many pics to show soon.
Here is a picture of that oil,made from the high proof rum!
The resins are sticky,and a very tiny amount does the trick smoking it!
Please do it the safe methods,i will explain further on this later...
HASH,the pic above shows the hash resins made threw the ice water method!
Cannabis resins do not mix with water,only fats,sugars and Booz!,,,yup,Rum..
151 rum is a great way to make the pure cannabis oil,a extracted resin using,
the rum or a pure high proof Alcohol...
The 2 are a bit different in that the ice hash resins,can be less aromatic in smoke,as the oil is more potent,many are extracting in these ways,but the use
of Butane is a NO NO,that stuff is so combustable and has caused harm.
USE THE ICE WATER METHOD,or the RUM 151 to make either the HASH,
or the pure oils!
More on how to produce these medicines soon,i will help anybody get,
the medicine they need by themselves,using the methods.