WE go WAY BACK here friends,,,,to the 80's when i first moved to florida.
This will give U all an idea how very long i have been cultivating cannabis!
Around the time those very first video camera's were made,i did a video....
The years were from the late 80's in the video,and i have still photo's of me,
back in 1983 with this big sativa plant,that has a very ballsy story to it all huh..
Not many people do the things i have done,or can have the bravory it takes?
Take this for example:
My story began,a bit before 14 years of age,i knew of cannabis/weed/pot then,
but had not tried it YET!!!
Around the 6th grade school,i started to get interested in smoking it first off...
1 of my friends came to school smelling funny,some times like cigarettes,or,
something else?
So,my nose is a very sensitive one,and i liied the smell,come to find out later,
it was cannabis,,,,POT we called it then!
So,i asked that friend if i can join 1 day and try it out,after school with him....
WELP,at the very first try,i was sitting with about 12 people,we passed around,
joints and i smoked a bit that very first time!
COOL to be getting into,something sneeky,but really i felt nothing of a high?
The next time i smoked though,i did feel it and became interested more!!!
As a teenager back in the 70's cannabis was still a fresh,new thing to do...
Started also growing the same year,1977 as i was the inquisitive kind of kid,
the bags of Mexican that were a full sandwitch bag and 1 ounce,only 10 bucks!
yes,i said 10 dollars US ok hahaha,beat that kids.....we had much fun smoking...
Those times were about the best this country has ever seen,a try brotherly love felt as friend helped friend,and the parties were HUGE,usually beer kegs,
set up in the woods,everybody smoking and drinking away!!!!!
This was in the state of MAINE,my stomping grounds,before moving south......
At the time we had moved,along with the furniture,in the very back of truck,
i place this big 6 foot tall sativa plant i had found in a corn field a day before!
WE use to hit the field for free corn,sweet white corn,and 1 day there it was...
i was young,and now regret doing that,but the plant was the most potent ever!!
To this day,i have never had or seen anything that come close to it's potency?
Here is an old polaroid picture of me and that sativa plant,in 1983 my friends!!!

HAPPY I WAS,to have such a potent plant,an i had been smoking 8 year long!
here it was a bit younger....

Now with my sister behind it hahaha!

WE had fun,both still very young,and the story goes,that plant got frozen dead,
that year christmas day.....even covered with plastic she was dead,but finished!
Strongest sativa i will ever seee again,the historical types were more complex..
Very strong for even 2 people smoking 1 small joint,we could not even leave a,
seat to walk around after smoking it!!!
At the time,my sister had also gotten some really FAT HUGE afghan seeds....
Afghan plants that were 10 times better than any new days kush strain folks!!!
i had the best of both worlds in cannabis back then friends,shit happens and,
all my afghan seeds were stolen,i also got busted years later,loosing more....
like 20 years of breeding work in seeds,about 8 years out of my life,100,000$
in cash as i had bad luck later on here,all for the love of the cannabis plant???
Back the video,what i did here was to take pics when the video played ok....,
so not the best colors and some blur also,but you'll see the plants we grew!!!

Climates are a total difference from the NORTH to the SOUTH,experienced.....;)
From having only 1 very short season way up north,to all year growing in south!
Have been there n done that shit folks ok...

WE grew afghans and mostly sativa like Columbians,Mexicans,Thai and more.....;)
Thats moms hand folks,she grows great too!!!

REMEMBER i took these as a video was playing,very hard really,off colors....?

BUDS that hang like grapes hahaha!

Old sativas grown in coffee cans and 5 gallon buckets only hahaha,i grew lots!

Long sativa colas always folks!


Those hairs on the top,are acutally a violet color,even though blured.....;)
old Mexican bag seed plants!

Sativa like a Christmas tree!!!

They got up to about 8 feet tall.....;)

Deep in the woods they did just fine,under cover from plains,here thats not a problem as everything stays very green all year in the woods!!!

There she is,my mother enjoying the plants we grew together!!!!
Great memories here...

Had i just been a better cam man,these would have looked great dang it......
FULL SATIVAS can yield like heck!!!

Again colas hanging like grapes from the weight!!!!!
Hope U enjoyed that trip back in time.............................................................................
Amazing footage! Would love to see the video cut to music.