Cannabis grown right in my old fields,as you can see here i have plenty experience in growing it,many things to learn as a grower,things like plant expressions and the timing of seasons outdoors.
Outdoors cannabis grows the best,after all what does a plant want=nature!
Indoor growing can be great also,but the plants expressions are never going to match an outdoor plant in smells and flavors.
These smells are called terpene's,and cannabis has a vast array of flavors!!
Anything from sweet flowers,candy,fuel,leather,musky,tart,fruity and spicy,
among the thousands of flavors and smells cannabis can produce!
This flavor difference is what inspires me,besides the medical value.
Breeding cannabis is the way to find these flavored plants,selecting plants,
from a large gene pool will always get you the very unique types found.
Medical values have to be tested,smell alone does not tell you the medical,
values just the pleasures of those smells and flavors!
Breeding cannabis has come very far in the last few decades,with new sites,
online for the past 15 years now,folks have exchanged genetics to build stock!
There are many cannabis breeders now online,seed stocks have soared....
Breeding styles are different,climates are different,and grow conditions,
this will effect the way plants perform,and plant expressions come out!
Indoors,the plants seem to produce more of the resins,but not the best,
for true smells and flavors,only the outdoors will let the grower see what,
the plant is capable of producing,with full flavors and smells..
Good morning folks,just wanted to share more old classic cannabis field pics with U all.
These plants in this field were a very potent strain i had,called Bananalou!
WAy back in 2005,it was the sweetest smoke every,and made you SO HAPPY FOLKS!!!
Premium cannabis made from a selection,thats how most are made from breeding......
Wish i still had it....
Very exotic and very unique,thats how i like them!
Banana pie in the face she was mmm mmm good.....;)
Somebody may still have this one,what a treasure.
This field was also done back in 2005,but a winter grow,the timing in seasons,
will either keep them short,or let them grow very tall,timing matters in seasons!
Growing like this is a lot of work,believe it or not,with every rain storm,
they would all be taken into sheds for protection that will damage them bad,
as rains are the enemy of cannabis in flowering stage.
Skunk#1 kept very short here!
Choosing the strain for it's commercial value,with fast finishes,and big colas folks!
Grew thousands of the skunk#1's and have made many of my own strains from it.
Usual heights in a 3 gallon pot,were about 2 to 3 feet,a very good strain and flavor packed gene pool to work with i love the skunk#1's i got from back in 2002 friends!
Sometimes i would drap plastic over that frame if rains were coming,keeping them dry!
Lots of back breaking work taking care of fields of cannabis,but now i am retired happily!
Lots lots more,old but good pics for your viewing pleasure if you love cannabis like me..
Lets keep going with the SKUNKS FOLKS,i have done so many fields your head will spin!
Typical skunk colas!
A blazing back yard in the deed south!
This pic here was a field of skunk#1 to the left front,and G13 haze to the right backside!
Lets get a better look at them G13 hazes flowering....;)
op,aint kidding when i say,i have grown thousands of plants in my 4 decades!