Here i will show everything about growing these wonderful species,
in the wild an adventure like no other with many types to be found!!!
Home growing can be a very fun hobby,,and i have lots of experience.
Plenty of great pictures to show the process and easy instructions too!
Lets start with a few cool pics,,they can bring you happiness and energy,
open up brain pathways and seem to clear out the mind in a blissful way!
Just seeing them grow is fun because it happens very fast when they fruit,
but for those that are new you must read lots to understand how to grow...
Their are many ways to grow them,,some using just a brown rice flour,,,
other using cooked bird seed a more complicated method i will get into!
Ok,,have a look then at the many grows i have done years ago......;)

Here are the Florida F+ as they call them grown on a simple rice cake!
The cake method is the easiest as it only take a boiling not pressure cooking,
will get into the different methods ok....
more cool pics first!

A more professional way here using a shelf with cow manure!
This method can be done with the simple rice cake and the bird seed.
Explaining soon,,,;)
The latest news about using magic mushrooms as a medicine comes from,
all the war vets that have PSTD and other brain problems,,even old folks,
by stimulating the brains activity and helping with depressions!
SO,,now that we know it is a good medicine i am hoping to see it freed,
the spores are legal and if getting into growing you can get spores online!
Myself i have been a member of a mushroom community for 15 years online,
the,,,a great site filled with info and pics of every species found!
(check the vendors section there for spores)or online anyplace,sold legally...;)
Here in my state they grow in cow fields all over the farms and many types.....
The fact that a spore can be carried far far away has become a mystery in that,
these magic mushrooms grow on every continent except Antartica only folks!!!
All over the globe and many many different types to keep the interest going.....
The most common type is the,,Golden cap,,Cube we call them,,the other one,
that grows in cow patties is the Copelandia or Copes,i think we have 13 types!
More cool pics,,before i get into the details on growing....;)

Here are my very first 15 years ago!
PF strain a classic bready mushroom growing from a rice cake all funky!

More of the PF classic from my very first grow ever fifteen years ago spring.....;)
They need a plastic tub to contain humidity,,,details later!

These F+ mushrooms are in the plastic tub and growing from a tray not a cake!
Will explain....trying to show the different ways to do these...

Here you can see the rice cakes that they grow out of in the plastic tub grow!

This is a method i came up with using food rap as a cover over cow poo!
No need of a tub in this type of grow as the food rap holds the humidity...;)

These here are from my first outdoor cultivations of the Gulf Coast strain!
Also my avatar at the my handle,,and if you go into,
the outdoor growing section there my thread has been Archived on info...;)
Ok how about we talk about that Bird Seed,and the method of sterile cooking!
As i have said above a few posts back,the bird seeds are mainly more contaminated.
Funguses can stick to the grain seeds,more than a milled brown rice flour.
You must pressure cook bird seed, instead of a medium boiling of the jars...
(the temp gets to 250 degrees and sterilizes very good,pressure cooked)
Not any harder,just having a pressure cooker that is of the 15 POUNDS pressure type,anything less in pressure will not reach the 250 degrees.
These types will get up the the 250 degrees that will insure that you have killed grems,using a 15 pounds pressure, cookers!
The germ spores are also heat proof,just a boiling is mainly pasturising,
so the jars filled with bird seeds must be pressure cooking at least 45 minutes,15 PSI...does not have to be a 1 hour cook with this method.
On the bird seed method,before the actual pressure cook,seed gets soaked in water,in a shallow pot slow cooked on a simmer.....this allows the seed to crack a bit,
first and strained to help clean,and hydrate the bird seed before filling the jars.
Placing the bird seed in a pot with water just over them,and boiled a half hour.
Not a messesary thing but helps to get the seeds more hydrated to pressure cook right,try to simmer until you see the bird seed starting to crack open....
Then fill the jars to be pressure cooked,at about 3/4 full with the bird seed.
After the pressure cooker starts to whistil turn the heat down a bit,you want it hissing,or whistling to insure that you are getting the 15 PSI needed,45 minutes.
You must have the water levels perfect in this type of cooker,to not burn jars.
Not having water at the recommended height it will burn the pot.
(All pressure cookers have a marked water level line inside the pot)
Pressure cookers are different sizes,up to you but must be 15 PSI types..
Back to the easier method using the Brown Rice Flour,vermiculite!
Using a coffee grinder for the brown rice bought whole,just grind it up,
to make flour,or at them health food stores,you can get it already done!
Thats the methods newbies go for,just boiling rice cakes in a regular speghetti pot.
Simple,just add the 3 part mix into the small pail,mix until all wet,the fill jars!
Taking a spaghetti pot,with a boiling rack the jars sit on,you add water.....
looking to see the level with all the jars in the pot,just under their lids works.
Place on stove,and boil on a medium temp,not a high boil ok,for 1 hour......
Let cool,taking syringe and shake it hard to loosen spores in it,then inject!!
After injecting spores into each hole on the jars lids,cover with tin foil again.
Let the jars sit at room temp for a week or so,then look for a white webbing,
that is the spores germinating inside the jars and will crawl threw the jar......
When the jars are totally white in color,meaning all collonized,you open them,
place the cakes in the humidity tub,just on a tin foil piece to fruit!!!
Really simple using brown rice flour for beginners ok,fun too....;)
Amoung this info,are many more things to go over,like contaminations/molds......
Do worry if you see,different colors besides pure WHITE mycellium in jars,,,
it does happen alot,meaning that you have a contamination going on??
You can easily tell what types of molds are growing by the colors they all have!
(Molds come in all colors,mostly a green,black,gray,then some yellow,pinks,
oranges,browns and even white.
Another way to tell if your jars are good and clean after germinations is to,
open the lids after they colonize,and smell them,any sour smells are a contam.
They should smell sweet,like a honey if they colonized clean!
Asking questions is COOL FRIENDS,and please become a member here!
ALL WELCOME IN MY SITE,a message to the interested good folks out there....;)
MY PLEASURE TO HELP YOU GET GOING,expand the mind,energize your life!!!
BY A WINDOW,on a porch,under a porch,in a carport,or garage,in the WILD they really,
love it best,but some folks have grown HUGE SUCKERS home cultivating,like myself!!!!
The cake mushrooms will always be much smaller than the cow poo grown ones,but the same potency ok!!
Just that you can place them tubs anyplace,and just grow many more little shrooms,if you have no place outdoors to do them....
SAME EFFECT,as the HUGE ones ok,,,,stalks are as potent as the caps!
These cakes will flush out the first time,and after you pick them,they grow,,,
4 more flushes of mushrooms before the rice cakes stop growing them!!!!
After each picking,you can take the cakes put back into the jars,add water,
soak over night,then place the cakes back in the tub to fruit again..
The time it takes in all these fruiting flushes,is 1 week or so apart from every new flush!!!
As the fruits keep growing the cakes will shrink more and more,plus they are now,loosing defences to air born molds,the cakes will start to grow molds and die......(this is normal)
Just throw them in the garden,you may be surprised as old cakes can grow 1 last time!
Learning about this is fun,,,taking them is way more fun,and the types of folks that do,
are the kind of chosen ones to be enlightend,these will open pathways in your minds...your brains have never been really used in full,these give that energy..
NEVER used before,kind of zip files of info, get put in your mind,visions and,
things that can make you see life different,happier!!
They are not for everyone,like the parraniod people,or the types that can't think,
in a positive way,or have evil in their soals,,,,these types will never get the benifits......
closed eyes see visials as you sit by yourself taking in all the morphing of fractals,colors,,,even,beings,like aliens...this works best alone!
Their are many tricks to help see these types of visions,like looking up at,
a bright light,then slowly covering the eyes with a hand,and see the colors change,,
from an orange to a blissful blue,,,with a seeming large ROOM you are now in!
Calming music helps,or rock music if liked better,even the very HIGH ENERGY vibes,
like at ROCK SHOWS,with lots to see helps much,but a different road in the trip.......the partying vibe is very fun!!
Lets get back to the growing them again....
Few more great big CUBENSUS that were from the old cakes or tray that flushed,,,4 times and about done,are thrown in my garden an buried.....
(After a month most mushroom mediums are spent,and about finished)
This is what can happen when you throw the spent cakes,or mushroom
trays or piles into the garden.....
Look....a lucky break and surprise after a good rain,the mycellium LIVES!
GOLDEN CAPS i spoke of,but got all white from the sun bleaching them,
in the pics below....rains always help bring an old cake to life....
AFter picking the mushrooms,
dry simply on a paper towel indoors,never store fresh mushrooms in a plastic,until very dry....;)
They mold and get mushy fast,if just picked,and very wet still.
Fresh more potent,and a full buzz,but dry they can be dosed better in grams!
10 grams wet=1 gram dry,for a small trial dose ok...
Cake mushrooms and the cow poo grown fatter ones, with the bluing....
The blue is the chemical they have,and an indicator when hunting!!!!!
To be a true magic mushroom,just press on the stalk,squeeze a bit,they turn bluish and will bruse if they are the MAGIC MUSHROOM!!!!
Cutting a mushroom off will also show you this BLUE,the color comes from the drug,
Psylocyben,psylocin the magic active compounds an alcholoids present in them...;)
Picking field mushrooms,must bruse blue to be true,an easy policy to use in, hunting them wild....that is how folks test to be sure ok....
More huge ones from my outdoor sheld!!
i can grow some very HUGE CAPS using my own methods,here the humidity,
helps outdoors to produce the biggest mushrooms!!!
This was pretty good for 1 single cake,an example of a good flush, on cake grows!
TOTALLY DRY HERE,ready for a bag,and in the refrigorater for long term, storage,3 years max....still a long time potent,,,,;)
How spore prints are done,just cut the cap off,place on clean tin foil,fold over,
and let sit about 3 hours and they drop spores like so,,they look black here,,,
but are a purple color usually,some are different colors like wood mushrooms.
These are what you need to make the clean spore syringes to inject into cooked cakes,it all starts with spores.....
Very easy to do,if you know what your doing,and i can help,just ask!
More cool pics!!
Medical mushroom from my yard,they come up here and there.......;)
Reishi is made into a tea to boost the imune system,they grow on old wood!
Spore syringes as they are sold,from all over the globe many different types too!!!
The jar with the rice flour mix that has been cooked an hour ready to inject spores!
4 tiny holes in lid tops is perfect,only 1 mil of spore water needed in each hole,or less..
Shows the pot and the rack the jars sit on for boiling,jars must sit on the rack not bottom.
A medium boil for 1 hour does it...
Pint and half pint jars here with the bird seed,a more complicated method,pressure cooked this way to be very sterile for the spores because bird seed contains molds,
rice flour can just be boiled for an easier way,same results in the fruits really!
You can see the lid top,with the 4 tiny holes,,and how to tape them up to be boiled,
same method using brown rice flour but the need of the pressure cooker,up to you....;)
A fully collonised jar about to be broken up in chunks and covered with cow poo on shelf that has been lined with new black trash bags,the cow piles are covered up again,
after more collonisations of the piles the cover is taken off,at about 85% re collonised,
the piles get light and start fruiting in a week!
Outdoor method is the best for me...;)
One thing good about the magic mushroom,it is not on the common drug list!!!!
Will not show on piss tests,and has no side effects,just letting you know about them,
and anybody interested needing help just ask,please post or add your own thread...;)
Ok hope you liked the pics so far,now lets get into the details of growing!
Things you will need are,
plastic storage tub clear,
bag of perilite,
bag of vermiculite,
brown rice and coffee grinder,or buy the bags of already ground rice flour...
Speghetti pot,with boiling rack that the canning jars sit on while boiling them.
small pale,
tin foil,
Hand drill,or small nail, to drill holes in canning jar lids.
Tape for covering those holes on lids.
Spores that come in syringes online sterile and many types!
(10-30$ us a syringe usually)fast service,as they are legally sold.
Google Magic mushroom spores,choose your own...;)
After getting a box of the canning glass jars in pints,or half pints the lids,
will need tiny holes in the top to inject a syringe with can also,
just hammer a small nail threw them!
4 holes is best on the lids.
So,the very first thing you may want to do is get the small pale to mix with,
using 2 cups of the vermiculite,1 cup brown rice flour,1 cup water!
Simply place all in the pale and with your hand mix quickly so all is wet.....
This mix gets placed in the canning jars,at almost full lightly packed leaving,
about a half inch from the top of the jars.
These jars will then get a dry layer of the vermiculite from the bag as a protection,from any air born spores that could fall into the jars threw holes,
close the lids, not tight, but just shut gentally because you want steam to excape....while boiling them.
These jars will also have another protection on the holes,tape over each one plus,
a tin foil cover over the lids to keep any water from entering the tiny taped holes.
Now all you do is get the boiling rack,place in the pot and fill with water a little,
now set the jars in on the rack and look at the waters height on jar sides,no more,
than half an inch from the lid tops should the water be before boiling them off....
The boil is not a high boil,just a slow to medium boiling point for an hour is good,this will not totally sterilize the Brown rice flour,like pressure cooking,
but is all you need to have success after injecting the spores in the jars.
(basically a pasturization of the jars is what happens in just boiling them)
Let the jars cool off,and then with the syringe of spores,shake it well,inject,
just a tap in each hole of the jars lids and then recover them with the tape....
When injecting spores make sure to look at the needle to get it into the rice,
just past the dry vermiculite layer,it only takes a drop in each hole to work!!!
1 syringe can make a dozen or more jars,and then when the fruits form you can,
collect new spores yourself using tin foil,but making a clean spore syring counts,and that takes a clean air flow glove box,sterile area to make them.
Thats why it is much easier to buy online at many sites selling spores these days...,let them make the clean syringe,and learn how to grow first....
See if you can do it,and have a good time watching them grow,and what they do,to bring happiness,clearity,and energy back,when your world is closing in,
in the human mind,,,;)
Closing your eyes you will see visions like this pic above here!!!!
Much much more that can be seen,and felt,but it does take some experience ok,
they are very strong so respect them and go easy if using these,start slowly........
A few grams dry is a pretty good dose,and even 1 gram or so will be cool with no,
visual aspects of the buzz,just lots of energy!
Small doses are good for building energy and happyness,large doses are meant,
for a great time at things like rock shows,dancing,parties an fun activities, like watching a comedy on TV!!!
Very cool old pics still even to me!!!
2005 was a great year as i was a few years into the hobby!!
Did these in a taller tent,but found that the height of tent was to tall that year.....
Still they grow but not as good as my shelf?
Small storage tubs work better to keep the humidity high,this is to tall but can work.....
Just a test i did long ago.....i had to spray the piles more often to keep humid inside it.
They grew more sparcly in that tall tent,less heat also may have been a factor?
The Humidity must be very high 85 to 100% is best....
This is the shelf i speak about that does better,just lined with plastic,and draped over for top at only a foot and a half tall it was a lucky break in building that shelf!!!
You must have experience in growing them first,much to learn...
This is the typical storage tubs, mushrooms grow in using the cake methods,any size works even a round tupperwhears,but must be clear to help get the light they need....
Light is not an energy for them,just a dirrectional purpose,any small light bulb works!
They grow from the food in their medium used,like cow poo,hourse poo,coco fiber,hay!
Starting the germination with real food,the rice flour,and the bird seed we cook first......
Cooking and boiling of the brown rice flour,or the bird seed sterilizes it so spores can,
germinate in a clean environment.
Mushroom spores will not germinate in only cow poo,although they grow from it right,
what happens is the cows eat spores stuck on the grass,that gets pasturized in stomac,
then when the cows poop that patties drop to the ground with the mushroom spores,
still intact,but most the other germ spores have been killed.....
So,in the cow patties the spores germinate,and what we call Mycellium starts to grow!
this Mycellium is the first mushroom body,basically a white webbing that grows threw,
the cow patties until it digests enough food and then reaches the sides getting light..
Light then triggers the mycellium to throw pins,tiny mushroom heads and they grow,
very fast at this point into a full mushroom fruit in a few days!
MAGIC it is,that a mushroom drops spores 1 year,,,and the next spring the spores,
are then eaten by cows to reproduce mushroom in the cow patties!!!
Thats how it happens naturally in the fields,however their are many types really,
all over the world and lots grow from dead wood in the forests,unlike cow patty,
these types like rotting wood,leaves and debre in the natural wooded areas!!!
Others like to grow besides rivers along the banks,i am talking about magic types,
here we mainly just have the types that grow in cow patties in the fields...2 only.
Let me get a few tub grow pics,the beginners method......using brown rice cakes!
These were shittaki mushrooms growing from saw dust in a tub,and i hate them ,like shitty wood....yuk!
Have the medical mushrooms popping up in the yard here,Reishi mushrooms...;)
A few monsters in front of my old imac,while online at the shroomery!
Very old and safe website the has been there 15 years or more.
Great community and forums you may want to check it out,mushroom huntings,
from all over the world are posted there!
All the grow info you will evry need....;)
More cool mushroom pics today,getting about that time of year here,HOT......
Never done magic mushrooms before?
Be careful they are very powerful ok hehehe!!!!!
random cool pics again,,and again........,;)
FLORIDA F+ strain grown on my shelf outdoors from cow poo and hay cooked!!!!
Your gonna see some BIG MUSHROOMS FROM ME FRIENDS ok,,,no joke haha,
got a tuns of pics so stay tuned...
Golden Teachers on the shelf outdoors!!!
From the food rap method!!!!!!!
BEEFY Hawaiians from my very first outdoor grows!!!!
Those Hawaiians again....
Exotic but home grown in a small tent!!!
This was an experiment in making my own cow patties grown out in the open!
The outdoor shelf i talk about here!!!!!
Basically a wooden shelf and a plastic draped over as a roof i place my cooked mix on it,
and wait until it the pic below,
Besides cannabis that was my other hobby and profession and i have done well...;)
Would you like to know how to grow magic mushrooms?
Just ask,,i can help!