Will be the place to seek anything about this site,and functions!
Ask questions if things do not work,forum buttons seem ok,and posting can be done by hitting the create new post button in every section,worked here.....;)
Or just scroll down and comment,in any thread,please become a member!
Still building my site,and waiting the legal rights and rules in my state?
We have a few months until they get it all down as to how cannabis sales go,
by that time i am hoping to have this site running well,thanks for the messages,i know that is working too,the Wix site builder is cool so far but,
the store will not show anything,unless i upgrade,so the way that goes is just,
message here, for further instructions!
Shirts,Seeds,Songs from oldpro in my wix store just can't use it yet.....;)
if all goes well i may pay the upgrade so this site is on google?
Maybe NOT with trump in office huh,,,,FUCK TRUMP!

TO anybody who cares about my seeds i may be selling AFTER trump is OUT!!!
then and only then will i risk anything with that tyrant in office.....PRAY WE WIN,
not them REPTARDS that keep standing for the PIGZ and shit on plain folks.....
Please punch a like on posts that you LIKE here,,id rather see posts folks,
if things are not working correctly message me from home page here....
,, or my IG page,, or my email oldprolg@gmail.com thanx!!
So far,everything seems to work pretty good,i see a few spots i can fix...again,
still working on my website,but i wanted to let you know,how to navigate this site!
By pressing FORUM,you will get the main sections,OR the community button,small,
i know the print size on that funtion may be hard to see,same as hitting the forum ok!
When you are in a section,just hit the topic you want,a thread pops up,scroll down..
post replies in the Write comment area in the typing box below the last persons post!
Easy,type what you want and then hit the (Publish button in Black),the post will show.
Then to navigate,scroll up and to the left,that community button shows the sections!
Just as the FORUM button does ok,should be simple,but if anyone has a problem,
LET ME KNOW,,,,enjoy the pics,ask questions,get info,participate in posting pics folks!
PICS are easy,that little black cam icon,gets you to the upload,and then just choose pics,
it automatically uploads FAST,and then hit that Publish buttton down to the right friends!
OR,even a video link,right next to the cam icon.
lots of easy ways to show your stuff,this is a safe info site,from a very private breeder.....
nothing wrong with asking!
This site seems to work better in googles chrome browser,a bit better than safari if that helps anybody!
Hope you see everything i have done in the designs,photo's and postings!
My pleasure to help out,get things going for you interested folks needing,
help....please try and post,or give me an email message letting me know,
your site problems here ok,thank you all...