Here i will show everything about growing these wonderful species,
in the wild an adventure like no other with many types to be found!!!
Home growing can be a very fun hobby,,and i have lots of experience.
Plenty of great pictures to show the process and easy instructions too!
Lets start with a few cool pics,,they can bring you happiness and energy,
open up brain pathways and seem to clear out the mind in a blissful way!
Just seeing them grow is fun because it happens very fast when they fruit,
but for those that are new you must read lots to understand how to grow...
Their are many ways to grow them,,some using just a brown rice flour,,,
other using cooked bird seed a more complicated method i will get into!
Ok,,have a look then at the many grows i have done years ago......;)

Here are the Florida F+ as they call them grown on a simple rice cake!
The cake method is the easiest as it only take a boiling not pressure cooking,
will get into the different methods ok....
more cool pics first!

A more professional way here using a shelf with cow manure!
This method can be done with the simple rice cake and the bird seed.
Explaining soon,,,;)
The latest news about using magic mushrooms as a medicine comes from,
all the war vets that have PSTD and other brain problems,,even old folks,
by stimulating the brains activity and helping with depressions!
SO,,now that we know it is a good medicine i am hoping to see it freed,
the spores are legal and if getting into growing you can get spores online!
Myself i have been a member of a mushroom community for 15 years online,
the,,,a great site filled with info and pics of every species found!
(check the vendors section there for spores)or online anyplace,sold legally...;)
Here in my state they grow in cow fields all over the farms and many types.....
The fact that a spore can be carried far far away has become a mystery in that,
these magic mushrooms grow on every continent except Antartica only folks!!!
All over the globe and many many different types to keep the interest going.....
The most common type is the,,Golden cap,,Cube we call them,,the other one,
that grows in cow patties is the Copelandia or Copes,i think we have 13 types!
More cool pics,,before i get into the details on growing....;)

Here are my very first 15 years ago!
PF strain a classic bready mushroom growing from a rice cake all funky!

More of the PF classic from my very first grow ever fifteen years ago spring.....;)
They need a plastic tub to contain humidity,,,details later!

These F+ mushrooms are in the plastic tub and growing from a tray not a cake!
Will explain....trying to show the different ways to do these...

Here you can see the rice cakes that they grow out of in the plastic tub grow!

This is a method i came up with using food rap as a cover over cow poo!
No need of a tub in this type of grow as the food rap holds the humidity...;)

These here are from my first outdoor cultivations of the Gulf Coast strain!
Also my avatar at the my handle,,and if you go into,
the outdoor growing section there my thread has been Archived on info...;)
Ok hope you liked the pics so far,now lets get into the details of growing!
Things you will need are,
plastic storage tub clear,
bag of perilite,
bag of vermiculite,
brown rice and coffee grinder,or buy the bags of already ground rice flour...
Speghetti pot,with boiling rack that the canning jars sit on while boiling them.
small pale,
tin foil,
Hand drill,or small nail, to drill holes in canning jar lids.
Tape for covering those holes on lids.
Spores that come in syringes online sterile and many types!
(10-30$ us a syringe usually)fast service,as they are legally sold.
Google Magic mushroom spores,choose your own...;)
After getting a box of the canning glass jars in pints,or half pints the lids,
will need tiny holes in the top to inject a syringe with can also,
just hammer a small nail threw them!
4 holes is best on the lids.
So,the very first thing you may want to do is get the small pale to mix with,
using 2 cups of the vermiculite,1 cup brown rice flour,1 cup water!
Simply place all in the pale and with your hand mix quickly so all is wet.....
This mix gets placed in the canning jars,at almost full lightly packed leaving,
about a half inch from the top of the jars.
These jars will then get a dry layer of the vermiculite from the bag as a protection,from any air born spores that could fall into the jars threw holes,
close the lids, not tight, but just shut gentally because you want steam to excape....while boiling them.
These jars will also have another protection on the holes,tape over each one plus,
a tin foil cover over the lids to keep any water from entering the tiny taped holes.
Now all you do is get the boiling rack,place in the pot and fill with water a little,
now set the jars in on the rack and look at the waters height on jar sides,no more,
than half an inch from the lid tops should the water be before boiling them off....
The boil is not a high boil,just a slow to medium boiling point for an hour is good,this will not totally sterilize the Brown rice flour,like pressure cooking,
but is all you need to have success after injecting the spores in the jars.
(basically a pasturization of the jars is what happens in just boiling them)
Let the jars cool off,and then with the syringe of spores,shake it well,inject,
just a tap in each hole of the jars lids and then recover them with the tape....
When injecting spores make sure to look at the needle to get it into the rice,
just past the dry vermiculite layer,it only takes a drop in each hole to work!!!
1 syringe can make a dozen or more jars,and then when the fruits form you can,
collect new spores yourself using tin foil,but making a clean spore syring counts,and that takes a clean air flow glove box,sterile area to make them.
Thats why it is much easier to buy online at many sites selling spores these days...,let them make the clean syringe,and learn how to grow first....
See if you can do it,and have a good time watching them grow,and what they do,to bring happiness,clearity,and energy back,when your world is closing in,
in the human mind,,,;)
Closing your eyes you will see visions like this pic above here!!!!
Much much more that can be seen,and felt,but it does take some experience ok,
they are very strong so respect them and go easy if using these,start slowly........
A few grams dry is a pretty good dose,and even 1 gram or so will be cool with no,
visual aspects of the buzz,just lots of energy!
Small doses are good for building energy and happyness,large doses are meant,
for a great time at things like rock shows,dancing,parties an fun activities, like watching a comedy on TV!!!