THIS FUCKING SUCKS mom is the coolest ever mother loving like no other!
She was always taking care of me and now it is my turn as she has cancer a 2nd time...........
Been 18 years since she first got colon cancer and had a stoma put in her stomach area so,
now she came down with pancreatic cancer just checking on some diarrhea a month back?
This time it is stage 4 and that type is basically a death sentence one bad sickness to get.
Love my mom so much and i will be missing her for the rest of my life in hell AGAIN.......
if you look in the outdoor growing section fields we did together as she can grow the best!!
She can grow most folks under the table as most can not grow anyhow from the look online,
we did HUGE CANNABIS FIELDS so have a look and throw her some LOVE!!!!
im gonna be bumming for a long while but here ok if you wanna say hi....Op
Oh Man!! I am so sorry to hear this pro. I know how close you are with your mom. Prayers go out to yo. please keep me posted. If I can help in ANY way I will.