My story will show you all just how bad it is going to PRISON.
Your state may be already cannabis med,legal maybe not?
Thats why i am doing my story to WARN FOLKS here........
Believe it or not,i went to jail for growing plants for my pain 2008,
i never treated anybody badly, it just came from my old friends girl.
A warning about friends also here,truth is you can be very careful,
and still get caught from right out of the blue folks?
YUP,this friend i had was like my brother,we even played music together!
Knew this person for 20 years,he was a part of my house like family ok,
well when it came to this new girl he had,i would warn him about her......
She was a sick person,with sexual problems,as she would"quote"
play with her you know what all day by herself,well i said WHAT?
You can do better than that shit man,,,,like a good friend would,
well he ended up so involved with her she run his life pretty much.
We were musicians together,i played drums,he played guitars!
yeah,i thought i had a real brother of a friend right huh,wrong.......
To shorten the story up,i was stupid in helping him to grow cannabis,
he had this great big car port way out in the back of his land,water,
electric an all inside it,perfect i said....
Well,he was already growing just for the fun of it,with baby seedlings.
So,i said why not have them way out there,you have electric and water,
inside that car port man,over and over.....
You know what he did,placed the plants in his master bedroom tub?
This girl of his was not fond of cannabis,weed,pot in any way,shape or form.
Thats why i told him to do that stuff way out back,well he didn't as you see,
in a nutshell they were already having fights and all,but when he showed her,
those plants in the bath tub,,,she got mad,and guess who payed for that=me?
This sick person fucking wrote a letter to the police,locally,and right out of,
the blue,,,,they came to my door,pounding on it...;( an after just loosing dad,
about a year an 3 months before that.
Boy,was i SHOCKED,because i was never an enemy to nobody ok........
but this all comes from that girl friend ratting me out,for nothing i ever did to her,just that she knew i was his good friend,and smoked an all,he had told all......
This sick person,and my best friend cost me and my mom,100.000$, prison,
court,and lawyer expenses,plus about 8 years out of my life,all for a best friend?
WARNING,you really can't trust folks,and if your in a non legal state well huh,
that really is a whole other world,in these united states,puh....every state,a country with their own set of laws,,,,it is a lie, really so be very careful.
Prison was hard,even a few years will make your head spin,loosing yourself.
Then you have the probation,piss testing every few days,counsels,meetings,
all that bullshit this country will put you threw.....the story goes on and on....
SO,back to the horrible story of going to PRISON for growing for pain....,,yes,
it is in the federal court records that i was growing for medical cannabis values.
Although my crime was growing,they took off the intent to distribute.
Manufacturing of what then,for whom then?????
How unfair a charge,as judges continue to put people to prison for cannabis,
a substance that they have never even used before,or know nothing about folks?
The police,are some of the biggest criminals ever,with their many many ways to,
enter a persons land with NO WARRANT,that how they did me.
YES,i was a stupid,huble,and dumb person that stayed home mostly,not one to know?
You see folks,a person that does not know the rights,can be intimidated,threatened,
and taken down in these ways....
The police have many tools,we call lies!
To bad it took going to prison for me to know my rights about land ownership privacy?
The police can come into your land,with no permission,hand cuff you,and take you away.
ALL WITH NO WARRANT,believe me,you have no rights really with all the tactics used.....
So,i would like to tell my story of how bad it can really be,getting busted for growing ok.
AS i was just sitting there at home with my mom,watching soaps she likes on TV,calm,
was a quiet day,so peaceful and all until we heard a hard pounding on the door......,,,
i said"thats not my friend mom"because he would never pound on the door like that?
Just about floored me as i went to check,seeing these men in all black tactic gear,
bullet proof vests,guns and a bad attitude at the door.
My puppies came to the door also,as i opened the door to ask what they wanted,
1 of the fat pigz started to go for his gun,,,i said what are you doing,they don't bite!
Well,he acted like he was scared for his life fucking mean ass pig did,i said calm down.
After that,he said another pig wanted to talk to me,but he was already in my back yard?
The PIG comes around telling me "i seen the plants in the back"as he walk to me.....
Stunned i was,looking at this long haired pig,with ear rings in both ears,and having teeth,
rotting out of his mouth,and tattoos all over his body looking like a gang thug.
He knew my dad just died,and was there to bust me,how compassionate they are...
i should have thrown them out,but since he seen a few small plants i had nothing to say?
He was also holding a green folder,with lots of these same pics i am posting on my site,
they have seen these ok,but that was another thing that floored me,and why,because,
my best friends girl had told them whitch cannabis site i was on,and my handle also ok.
(PS:the reason i was arrested is because of local info,not internet use or pics posted)
Really the what they told me was"it's not the pics,but it's what i said online ok) now,
to this day i am not sure what i may have said,typed to trigger anything,the real thing,
was that locally i was ratted out,nothing more,nothing less....
Police have to have evidence that is 6 months fresh,they care less about old stuff!!!
SO,since they just entered my yard with out permission and got lucky i had a few plants,
thats really how i got arrested,from a person that never knew me at all,i never said anything but HI,and BY to her?
Met the bitch 1 time,and she ratted me out,so you never really know how it can happen.
When it comes to the PIGZ,oh boy do they have scare tactics to use,and will use on you.
People liie me that have never been in lots of troubles never know how to act with pigz,
intimidating you saying things like"we will take your home,and all your things",and like,
we will have cameras here to put you on the news.
Lots of terrible things have happened to people,just for growing cannabis,i heard many,
stories in prison also,how unballanced justic really is will spin your head it's so bad.......;(
The worst thing that can happen to you using,or growing cannabis is the prison time,
loss of your life of many years with no controlling,and the cost money wise,just horrible.
So many people are in prison for cannabis,spending 15 and 20 years for a medicine?
How do the pigz arrest people mainly,from people ratting them out,thats it 99.9%...
of the time thats how it went down.
Trusting even your best friend is iffy ok,you have no real best friends when it hits...
trust me,Op