FUCK TRUMP ALREADY.....what a criminal thief traitor using the USA to enrich him.
This is the worst person alive in our WHITE HOUSE in my book as i have seen it all,
more than 12,000 lies so far and shit tun of self dealing besides ignoring subpoenas?
Peace to the world-DEATH TO TRUMP!....add anything you like about his crimes here!
I'm at 11 hours on 13 off the whole way
Yea I think it's the heat I have some leaf burn miracle grow didn't work for me in flower I used the flower one and it went bad really bad I use it for veg the all purpose miracle grow the flower one has too much nitrogen I'm using zero nitrogen in flower and 1 quarter dose and some sea 90 using 0-50-30 only because the one with nitrogen grew my crappy plants last time it's this fucking Coco coir the only thing different I usually use straight potting mix but Coco perlite mixed in this time made them super sensitive to nitrogen in flower it's slowly flowering from bottom to top super thin leaf type it definitely was burning because of heat from 1k superlumen so I lowered it at 750 now most plants are happy at 1k super lumens but a few are too close I will make an adjustment to the lamp and try the super lumens or straight 1000 for less heat bit I need some help from my sister to hang the light right it's a bit uneven instead parralel to the ground that uneven hanging is burning and bleaching some leaf it's looking good this grow now with the no nitrogen from week 2 flower
The time I used miracle grow flower food it was bad very bad only got seeds and low yiield weak ass fluffy fucked up weed the nitrogen was causing p and k deficiency Feb 8 removal time we need to remind these republican idiot deniers about what happened on Jan 6th go to their Twitter and remind their bitch asses I see then saying stupid shit on TV interviews and I go directly to their Twitter and to shit as a matter of fact I got punished for reminding and asshole about the crowd chanting hang mike pence fucking Twitter said I was harrasing blocked for 12 hours these big tech bastards have more power than the Constitution and that's bullshit they say it's Congress that can't make a law limiting free speech and Congress made the law to protect them section something if they delete things it's not against freedom of speech or press supposedly so Congress made an unconstitutional law then? I don't think it's fair sure I hate trump I love to see him banned from everywhere but people are forgetting right away what his ass did you know? Shits crazy
Wow brother seems your having feeding problems lots???...in the grows boy,
if your not afraid of a chem fert...they work great i use the all hated Miracle GRO<
shit work excellent when used lightly and never taste any ferts ever in my grows boy hahaha...just a though....but actually i can help lots if U get me the numbers of those fertilizers U are using man?,,,,or try to mix very very lightly,,,,sativa hate fert.
and yes sometimes even to much intensity on the tops makes them veg a bit in bud?....seen that plenty times....ECSD will do it under my LED's....keep the tops a bit lower from lights and cut timing an hour maybe!
O I got a granny skunk in a trade ghani skunk supposed to be pine in their also I want to get ptk again and freeze supposed to be pine in those I killed all but one with the devil fungus gnats I can kill em now with mosquito dunks and dechlorinated water bastards got me good spider mites and white fly I'm keeping them at Bay hope fully I can pull off a nice Honduras haze crop that supposed has cedar I'm a pine fan man as you can see
I'm making a small f2 batch of granny skunk right now my sativa's are tall as hell 6 7 feet in 3 gallon I had the 1000 but lower to 750 one sativa didn't want to flower on top only the bottom I think too much heat maybe genetics? The Bottom looks normal for 4 weeks the top looks like 2 weeks flower no leaf burn but top is warped like burnt so I lowered the power in the light hopefully I don't fuck it up it's my favorite looking very thin leaf but I screwed up gave wrong food also damn it
Nice to see you too lou them Freakshow are coming along still vegging probably may finish yea it's despicable how these fuckers kept defending Dump I mean trump. He's out for sure now McConnell will hold a trial but we need 16 assholes to vote for removing.
Trump is Such a sore losing liar he got impeached again he can't accept the result that he lost but what really amazed me is close Hillary saw this coming in 2016 she said if he doesn't get his way he screams fraud and rigged I saw it in a night show I love those comedy skits from all the night show guys I watch em on YouTube you can only see two live actually over their you get them live on the east coast
I saw a new Freakshow by the same guys a new selection called supafreak supposed to be different terps more thc and yield different high it's 5050 vs 90 10 sat indica like Freakshow same
leaf I found a place that had it for 90 all others are asking 180 fuck man I wish they were more affordable these fuckers jacked up the price because it sells out fast I was out of weed so I bought the usual quarter pounder of Mexico brick for 100 I was going to buy supafreak but I fucking hate not having weed the next crop wont be ready till mid March besides I figured it would be around then when I can spend the monthly weed money
One thing I hated was that dude from Florida talking shit wow what a douchebag
I grew a Newberry last time but I screwed up the nutrition too much nitrogen it sucked to have such crap plants I won't be using any nitrogen at all this time
The one Newberry had a blueberry smell like dad's stem rub but it was weak as fuck I don't know if it was the nutrition probably was that made it so crappy I don't know
I Definitely want the blueberry muffins from Humboldt seed company I keep hearing good things about it and a bluebdigiberry from icmag
Did you know you can get fresh original haze seeds?
A cool dude I sent seeds to sent me some I have 3 going screwed 2 I killed em with shity soil I like the mr nice auctions cheap cheap and 100% germination I got mango haze critical skunk and pink Floyd it's critical mass x haze ac
The stem rubs on that mr nice
Is similar to some bagseed Mexican I'm growing that was a surprise but skunk has Mex and some Mexico has indica it's a amonia rotten egg type of stem rub one make from Mexico has big fat indica leaf I'm currently collecting pollen I want to backcross to it since most of my grows are sativa it's interesting to see what the fat leaf male produces
Well that's all for now but if you need pollen I got a shit ton right now some are pure sativa super thin leaf tall leaf curl if any nitrogen is given in flower it's purple honduras haze and one Neville mango
Well time to get up and sample that new Mex brick most have had an incense type smell like original haze when burned but more warm relaxing type high not too much mind high I'm mixing the male flower in this and it changes it gets me good more trippy different high take care man hopefully I can send some Freakshow in May because I want more of your original haze skunk crosses that's my type of weed strong tripping head high
WATCHING RIGHT NOW as that asshat from my state FLORI FUCK just yelled like heck for trump on the floor actually defending that BUM???...ALL those new freaks that just got into the congress(ON THE RIGHT) are all QUACKADON believers haha...just as SICK as could be from ALL those firkin LIES....they actually will do this country in for that ASS of ALL TIMES JACKASS COWARDLY BASTARD BRAT.......?..good to see U in here ALDO brother!!!...hoping for the best.... :)
He's gone for good he royaly fucked up this time McConnell wants his head hahahahaha bye bye trump impeached again now going to get removed 4 sure no second term I don't even think Kamala Harris will have to break the tie in the Senate he's out 100% good riddance https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3iMbXj65m8U&t=126s
YEP my friend FUUUUUUUUUCK trump and his FOOLS that FOLLOW hahahaha!!!!!
He's out all hail to the new Commander in chief our 46thpresident Joe Biden now pack your bags trump and go cry in Florida because you lost lol fuck off trump you suck it's only a matter of time just waiting on Nevada tomorrow we will know for sure sure Google electoral college votes or copy and paste the link https://www.google.com/search?q=electoral+college+votes&oq=el&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j69i61j69i60j35i39j69i59j69i61.1555j0j4&client=ms-android-metropcs-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
stupid as can be fake it until you make it PHONY FUCKER we should all HATE!
Oh when will he go..........FREE US FROM THIS HELL MY MAN BIDEN!
Some of what I'm running this year. Some are very old and I'm not holding my breath. Others, test beans that were gifted by P just because. Most are longer flowering sats but that critical mass, if they make it, are what I'm gunna keep an eyeball on for further scrutiny. Ya never know what kind of X's will make it to that one hehheh!!
Meh...I pretty much quit the game and just keep to myself. The bean biz was more hassle than it was worth. Like you say, haters and such. I had about as many sock accounts as real people buying my beans. Then ya have them just sit in the fridge with few if any shows. I have plenty of old friends in my circle who don't go online with pics and such. Most are just too paranoid. With the laws changing though, perhaps more will come down from the hills and get a few shows going.
I'm definitely looking forward to getting your gear popped and above ground. I'm about to germ a pack or two of them limonana's. Now that I think about it, I took a few coins from the bay and picked up two packs while you were listing there. First I thought they were gifts(considering your giving nature), but then I remembered I used to do that a lot over there. 90% of my proceeds went right back into the bay through supporting the other breeders. Now I have a cache I will probably finish depleting by 2069? Hehheh!
Anywayz...I don't get into politics with people I consider friends. From our mutual past I consider you as one in that small circle.
Loved watching your grows back on OG and the Rag. Big brass balls I used to say! Sorry you got pinched and had to do some down time for it. Part of the game sometimes. Good on you for taking the fall for your family. Mucho RESPECT for that.
Perhaps I'll make it down your neck of the woods this year on the hog. Been trying to get back down to the keys for a few years. My first ex lives down there so I don't have to pay for a hotel. Lord knows they love to rape good people just looking to relax.
Hey Old man! It's your old friend from Breedbay. You know me as BM. Just another old breeder counting beans. Was just going through my cache of genetics and came across them limonana's you gifted me at the old stomping grounds. Definitely going to run them OD this season. Hopefully able to take them the full distance even if I have to tunnel them! Nice place you got here. Later
He's impeached now but the removal is another story it's a bullshit wannabe trial
What's up ol pro