Feel FREE to speak out about things here,you can be MAD in life,and you have the right to be MAD about things,if you are a serious person like me!
(Just be cool on my site to members who like cannabis ok)
Shit like this is FINE FOLKS,
TRUMP SUCKS,as he is now terrifying the world with his juvenile behavior,
WANNA TALK ENEMY OF CANNABIS just look at his cabanet choices.....,
bunch of RICH BRATS that like to take it out on the poor folks,he will take,
and take,your rights away if he has the chance in my opinion, he is a jerk!
(again my opinion)
The biggest CON MAN ALIVE has now taken office,i am worried to death?
He has ruined peace,and now is trying to dismantle our country.....
if you are for cannabis,then fight against those bumbs in office best you can!
Or,little by little we will be loosing our rights to cannabis and every human right we have been working on for DECADES.....the news is NOT the enemy,
TRUMP and HIS CABANET ARE the real enemy,just you wait and see,again,
and again he will upset the peope,lie to them over and over again,like the conman he is,and really it is to bad the SHEEPLE have listened to him......,
following FAKE news,from HIS MOUTH is just childish,we all know it now!
(FACT CHECKS)are not fake news.
the war on WEED is never over for republicans,believe that folks,they SUCK!
SEE,you can rant like that,,,and i will never ban U folks ok,everybody,
has an opinion,just do not take it out on cannabis members,i never do!
rant over....
Bidens tested negative
I doubt trumpanzee will die he's the type of dude that gets away with shit look at his ass being president and not caring about the viruses he cared more about his re election and the economy makes fun of Biden argues instead of debating
It's the trump virus not china virus
And his supporters are insane man say good job trump you won lol on Instagram their crazy about him just in live with the dude
He's too active to be dying from covid but he's out in my opinion since the beginning he didn't want to wear masks Maybe he should shoot up some bleach