Here you will find the general info,to the new person interested,
in cannabis usages,and what ever you need to know about it!
A newbies spot to start the wonderful journey in cannabis meds,
it is a real journey in the way that all cannabis plants are not same.
Strains are all very different,types of effects,vary from person to person,
1 person may love a strain type,while another does not like the same one?
Personal tastes,effects will differ from 1 person to another,so try many!
For the new folks,i will explain a bit on the types,with cannabis plants,
can be a very TALL TYPE,that will give an energetic feeling most the time,
and the small short types will give a calm comfy feeling more so usually.
Although these 2 differences can be had in both TALL and short types,
in a breeding project,,,the effects of the tall ones,can be blended to the short types by crossing them together,,,,these are called traits,that are blended...
Traits of cannabis are many,the dynamics of the cannabis plant far exceed,
any other plant on the planet,the chemical compounds change all the time!
Some get lost threw many thousands of years that humans have been selecting,and reproducing as a breeder/grower.
Anything to help your start in understanding cannabis will be here!
More smoking pieces,,lets see yours friends!